扩张皮肤生物学转归的临床观察 |
张正文 孙广慈 海燕
[摘 要] 目的:研究人体扩张皮肤移植后的转归。方法:采用一般观察、切口瘢痕宽度测量、皮瓣面积测算及组织学检查等对行皮肤扩张术的患者进行3个月~2年的随访。结果:①扩张皮瓣移植后3个月内松动性与弹性较差。一年后皮肤的色泽、质地、弹性等可恢复正常;②扩张部位切口瘢痕有增宽现象,主要发生于术后前3个月;③扩张皮瓣移植后有不同程度的面积缩小;④组织学结构一年后可恢复正常。结论:扩张皮肤于移植后一年左右其色泽、质地及组织学结构可恢复正常,说明皮肤扩张后的变化是暂时现象;扩张皮肤远期有不同程度的回缩现象。 [关键词] 扩张皮瓣 移植 生物学转归 [中图分类号]R622 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2000)09-0247-04
ZHANG Zheng-wen,SUN Guang-ci,CHOU Hai-yan Depart Plastic Surgery,Henan Provicial Hospital,(Zhengzhou 450003)
[Abstract] Objective:To investigate the biologic change after transplantation of expanded human skin. Methods:The patients who had subjected to skin expansion were followed up for 3~24 months to evaluate the changes of expanded skin in appearance and elasticity,the width of scar,the area of flaps and the histologic restoration of the skin. Results:The mobility and elasticity of expanded skin were poor within 3 months after transfer and recovered to normal about 1 year after completion of expansion procedures.Widening of the scars were observed and mainly occurred within 3 months postoperatively.The area of expanded flap had a few loss after transfer.The epidermis and dermis had returned to normal and the capsule were completely absorbed 1 year postoperatively. Conclusions:About 1 year after transplantation,the color,texture and structure of expanded skin after expansion is temporary.The contraction of expanded skin after expansion is temporary.The contraction of expanded skin occurred in some degree in the long term after transfer. [Key words] Expanded flap Transplantation Biologic changes
皮肤软组织扩张术的临床应用已有多年,积累了很多的经验,近期并发症的发生率已大大降低。但随着应用时间的延长,其远期并发症如再造器官变形、切口瘢痕增宽等也时见文献报道[1,2]。综观目前有关的研究,大都集中于扩张皮肤的近期变化上,对其移植后的远期转归则研究较少,而这正是决定治疗效果的关键所在。我们在动物实验的基础上,对部分行皮肤扩张术的患者进行3个月至2年的随访,通过一般观察、切口瘢痕宽度测量、扩张皮肤面积测量和组织学检查等手段,对人体扩张皮肤的远期转归进行了初步研究。目的在于了解人体扩张皮肤移植后的远期变化情况,探讨其转归规律及机制,进一步提高临床疗[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 皮肤伸展术后生物力学和组织学的实验研究 下一个医学论文: 成人先天性轻度上睑下垂情况调查