有限化手术治疗复发性腰椎间盘突出症 |
吴卫平 冉永欣 谷加炎 龚祖元
【摘要】 目的 评价有限化手术治疗复发性腰椎间盘突出症的疗效。方法 采用CT、MRI、CTM、脊髓造影定位,了解硬膜囊、神经根受压的程度和范围。手术有限切除病变节段椎板及关节突,摘除髓核,潜行扩大椎管、神经根管。结果 经2~18年随访,优良20例,可2例,差1例。结论 有限化手术能摘除髓核,也能行根管减压,脊柱损伤小,远期疗效好。 【关键词】 腰椎间盘突出症;复发;再手术;有限化手术 【中图分类号】 R681.53 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1008-0287(2000)01-0015-02
Minimal surgical treatment for prolapsed lumbar disc from recurrence after initial operation
Wu Weiping, Ran Yongxin, Gu Jiayan, Gong Zuyuan (Dept of Orthopaedics, The Railway Hospital of Shanghai Tie Dao University, Shanghai 200072)
【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate therapeutic effect of the minimal surgical treatment for prolapsed lumbar disc from recurrence after initial operation. Methods CT, CTM and MRI were used for the preoperative localization for diagnosis. The degree and extent of the compression were clearly observed. The limited operative procedure through the lateral-posterior route at site of original incision was used and the protruded discs and the spinal stenosis was dealt with. Results The patients were followed up for 2~18 years. Satisfactory late result were obtained in 20 cases, fair in 2 cases and poor in 1 case. Conclusion The spinal stenosis and protruded disc can be dealt with properly by this method with less spinal injury and good long-term therapeutic effect. 【Key words】 lumbar intervertebral disc herniation; recurrence; reoperation; minimal surgery
1 材料与方法
1.1 病例资料 本组23例,男15例,女8例,年龄16~63岁。两次手术间隔1~27年,平均10.4年。初次手术为开窗或半椎板切除12例,全椎板切除8例,经皮穿刺3例。 1.2 病例选择 选择症状典型、有明确神经定位体征的病例。体征至少应包括相对应神经支配区感觉、肌力及腱反射异常中的一项。全部病例经X线检查,9例行CT扫描;疑难病例行MRI扫描(5例)、脊髓造影(9例)、 CTM检查(4例)。影像学所见:术后复发15例,对侧突出7例,中央型突出1例(因打喷嚏发生截瘫,术中发现L3~4髓核突入蛛网膜下腔)。侧隐窝狭窄12处。影像学的定位与临床表现及神经定位体征相一致时,诊断确立。 1.3 手术方法 如初次手术为单侧显露,复发在对侧,再次手术采用扩大开窗或半椎板切除;如初次手术为单侧显露,复发在同侧或首次手术为全椎板切除,从原切口切除残留椎板边缘显露;经皮穿刺病例,作突出侧扩大开窗。 [1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 急性化脓性髋关节炎压力测定及病理检查 下一个医学论文: 股骨下端 L 形截骨一次性和逐渐性相结合延长治疗股骨短缩畸形