家族性腺瘤性息肉病外科手术方式的选择 |
程应东 罗云生 单志堂
[摘要]目的 探讨家族性腺瘤性息肉病(FAP)手术方式的选择和效果。方法 对17例FAP的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 17例病人中良性13例,癌变4例。全部病人均施行了全结肠切除,采用回肠造口1例,回直肠吻合2例,直肠切除、回肠肛管吻合或回肠储袋、回肠肛管吻合7例,部分直肠切除、直肠粘膜剥脱经直肠肌鞘回肠肛管吻合7例。并发症2例(肠坏死1例,吻合口瘘1例)。随访2~20年,良性病人术后均存活,其中2例发生储袋炎,1例术后5年发生癌变。4例癌变病人中2例因广泛转移死亡,另2例仍存活。排便功能以回肠造口术较差,保留直肠的术式较好。结论 比较各种术式的利弊,选择全结肠切除,保留直肠肌鞘,回肠储袋,回肠肛管吻合术较合适。 [关键词]家族性腺瘤性息肉病;外科手术;结肠切除 [分类号]R574.62 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1005-6483(2000)02-0081-03
The choise of the type of surgical operation for the patients with FAP
CHENG Yingdong,LUO Yunsheng,SHAN Zhitang. (Department of General Surgery,Xinqiao Hospital,Third Military Medical University.Chongqing 400037,China)
[Abstract]Objective To explore the choice and effect of surgical management of FAP.Methods 17 patients with FAP who had undergone total colectomy were analyzed retrospectively.Results In 13 patients with benign and 4 patients with malignant adenomatous polyposis,their average age at operation was 23.8 years old.All patients underwent total colectomy,with ileostomy(n=1),ileorectostomy(n=2),ileoanal anastomosis or ileal pouch-anal anastomosis(n=7),and rectal mucosectomy,through the muscular sheath of rectum ileoanal/ileal pouch-anal anastomosis(n=7) respectively.Postoperation complication included anastomotic fistula(n=1),enteric necrosis(n=1).Follow-up time was two to twenty years.All benign patients survived but two had pouchitis and one had canceration in 5 years of postoperation.Two-forth malignent patients died of distance metastasis,another two patients survived.It was good in the operation of preserving rectum and poor in ileostom for bowel frequency and quality continence.Conclusions Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various operations,it was an excellent surgical option to undergo total colectomy,preserving muscular sheath of the rectum ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for patients with FAP. [Key words]FAP;Surgery operation;Colectomy
[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 大肠癌合并肠梗阻采用吻合器行一期切除吻合的效果分析 下一个医学论文: 大肠癌并发急性肠梗阻的外科治疗的探讨