结肠癌急性梗阻一期切除吻合术中不灌洗肠腔的探讨 |
余东升 李恭根 赵中辛
[摘要]目的 研究一种结肠癌急性梗阻一期切除吻合的更简单、合理、安全的术中处理方法。方法 肠切开减压后,用左右手交替挤压法清洁肠道,不灌洗肠腔,使肠吻合后吻合口处持续有少许较稀薄的肠内容物通过。结果 采用本方法清洁肠道一期切除吻合的结肠癌急性梗阻38例,术后无一例发生吻合口漏。结论 本方法在结肠癌急性梗阻一期切除吻合中应用,更为简单、合理、安全、可靠。 [关键词]结肠癌;急性肠梗阻;结肠清洁;结肠一期吻合 [分类号]R735.3+5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1005-6483(2000)02-0086-02
Probing management without colonic lavage in operation for onestage resection and anastomosis of colon cancer with acute obstruction.
YU Dongsheng,LI Gonggeng,ZHAO Zhongxin. (Department of General Surgery,The North of the Chang Jiang River Peoples s Hospital of NanJing,NanJing 210048,China)
[Abstract]Objective A more simple reasonable and safe management technique in operation for one stage resection and anastomosis of colon cancer with acute obstruction was developed.Methods After enterotomy and decompression,the operator could squeeze the bowel by two hands for bowel clean.Without colonic larage,a little completely mashed the bowel content could continually pass primary anastomosis after inestines anastomosed.Results 38 cases of colon cancer with acute obstruction were decompressed with this technique.Without anastomosis fistula,it is a good curative effect.Conclusion It is a more simple,safe and reasonable management technique in operation for one-stage resection and anastomosis of colon cancer with acute obstruction. [Key words]Colonic obstruction;Acute carcinomatous;Colonic clean by squeezing; Onestage anastomosis
一、一般资料 本组结肠癌急性肠梗阻38例,男性26例,女性12例,年龄22~80岁。12例术前纤维结肠镜检查及病理证实为恶性肿瘤,26例在术中发现。全部病例均清洁肠道后行一期切除吻合。右半结肠切除12例,左半结肠切除22例,横结肠切除4例。同时切除原发性病灶胃癌1例,转移性胃癌2例。 二、方法 在肿瘤梗阻的近端约5 cm处,用两把肠钳相距4 cm左右控制两端,尽可能将肠腔移至切口外(必要时,可离断部分拟切除的肠系膜)。在其下面,另外再粘贴一大号的粘贴巾,在两把肠钳中间切开一个长约2.5 cm的纵形切口,首先排除部分积气、积液减压,然后用双手交替由上段小肠向结肠方向依次轻轻挤压肠腔(手握[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 肠系膜上静脉血栓形成的诊治分析 下一个医学论文: 大肠癌合并肠梗阻采用吻合器行一期切除吻合的效果分析