局部注射A型肉毒毒素治疗局限性或节段性肌张力障碍 |
张为西 梁秀龄 陈嵘 王莹
摘要:目的 观察A型肉毒毒素治疗偏侧面肌痉挛、眼肌痉挛 、Meige综合征(睑痉挛-口颌肌张力障碍综合征)及痉挛性斜颈的疗效。方法 [ HT5”K〗用A型肉毒毒素对64例肌张力障碍患者(51例偏侧面肌痉挛、10例眼睑痉挛、1例Mei ge综合征、2例痉挛性斜颈)行面部肌肉局部多点注射,分析其治疗效果。结果 51例偏侧面肌痉挛者,完全缓解20例(40%),明显缓解30例(59%),1例无效;10 例眼睑痉挛者,5例完全缓解,4例明显缓解,1例无效;1例Meige综合征部分缓解;2例痉挛 性斜颈者,1例明显缓解,1例部分缓解;总有效率达97%。起效时间数小时至7天,缓解时间 3~7个月。局部副反应轻微、短暂,无全身反应及过敏反应。结论 A型肉毒毒素局部肌肉注射可有效控制局部肌张力过高,改善患者的异常面容和姿势。 关键词:A型肉毒毒素; 眼睑痉挛; 面肌痉挛; Meige综合征; 痉 挛性斜颈 中图分类号:R747 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-6526(2000)05-0236-03
Local injection of botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of focal o r segmental dystonia
ZHANG Wei-xi LIANG Xiu-ling CHEN Rong, et al (Department of Neurolo gy, First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences, 58 Zh ongshan Road Ⅱ, Guangzhou 510080, China)
Abstract:Objective To study the efficacy of botulinum A t oxin injection for the treatment of hemifacial spasm, blepharospasm, Meige′s s yndrome and spasmodic torticollis. Methods A total of 64 patients, (51 patients with hemifacial spasm, 10 with blepharospasm, 1 Meige′s syndrome and 2 with spasmodic torticollis) were evaluated on therapeutic effica cy of multifocal facial injection. Results Of the 51 pati ents with hemifacial spasm, 20(40%) patients were completely relieved, 30(59%) r emarkable relieved, and one didn′t have improvement; of 10 patients with blepha rospasm 4 were remarkably relieved, and 1 had no improvement; one patient with M eige′s syndrome was partial relieved, of the 2 patients with spasmodic torticol lis 1 remarkably relieved, the other partial relieved; 97% of the patients exper ienced relief from spasm. Clinical observation showed marked improvement in symp toms from a few hours to the third day after injection and lasted about 3 to 7 m onths. The local side effects were transient and mild, no systemic adverse and a llergic reactions were noted. Conclusion Botulinum A toxi n loca[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 改良菱形皮瓣的临床应用 下一个医学论文: 一种简易防护罩对人员防紫外线照射的效果