自制矫治器在 度唇腭裂治疗中的应用 |
汪勇 刘晓燕 黄威 管宇
摘要:目的 为了在术前矫正双侧唇裂过度突出的前颌骨, 避免术中犁骨截断术,提高双侧唇裂的手术效果。方法 用直径1.0m m钢丝自制“M”形矫治器,对过度突出的前颌骨进行术前矫正。结果 12例伴有前颌骨过度突出的双侧唇裂,经术前矫治1~2个月后,效果满意。结 论 自制矫治器临床效果好,其作用符合生理解剖特点,造价低廉,方法简便, 值得推广。 关键词:唇腭裂; 前颌骨突出; 自制矫治器 中图分类号:R782.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-6526(2000)05-0243-02
The application of a self-made appliance in the treatment of Ⅲ degree lip and palate cleft
WANG Yong LIU Xiao-yan HUANG Wei, et al (Deprtment of Plastic Surg ery, Shenyang Military General Hospital, Shenyang 110015, China)
Abstract: Objective To correct the excessivelly protrude maxilla in bilateral cleftlip patients before operation and to avoid vomer osteo tomy during operation and thas improving the effects of bilateral cleftlip opera tion. Methods We made a“M”shaped appliance with 1mm dia meter steel wire to correct the excessivelly protrudet maxilla before oprtation. Results 12 patients who suffered bilateral cleftlip wi th excessivelly protrudet maxilla have undergone correction for 1~2 month befor e operation. The effects of operation were satisfactory. Conclusion The self-made appliance give a very good clinical effects. It is not only cheap and convenience but also accords with physiologic and anatomy charac teristics and deserves popularizing. Key words: Lip and palate cleft; Excessivelly protrude max illa; Self-made appliance;
双侧唇腭裂常伴有前颌骨过度突出,不仅会给双侧唇裂的修复带来极大的困难,还会导致术 后上前牙排列不齐,咬 关系紊乱,影响容貌美及咀嚼和语言等功能[1~2]。我 科自1995年应用自制矫治器治疗伴有前颌骨过度突出的双侧唇腭裂12例,收到良好的效果(图1)。报告如下:
图1 Ⅲ度双侧唇腭裂手术前后对比
1 临床资料
本组12例,年龄1~6岁。8例为双侧完全裂,4例为混合裂,全部病例均合并双侧完全或不完 全腭裂及牙槽裂。
2 手术方法
以1.0mm钢丝用钳子制作成“M”形弓丝,将其固定在硬腭两侧牙槽弓上,另将3cm长的1.0mm 钢丝平行穿过前颌骨唇侧骨面,两端用钳子折起,防止刺伤两侧牙槽裂隙、唇粘膜和皮肤。 用两条弹力胶带分别将“M”形弓丝的两个弯曲与前颌钢丝的两端相连,张力要稍大。一般 固定1~2个月。待过分前突的前颌骨明显后缩,再行双侧唇裂Ⅱ期修复。矫治期间作好口腔 护理。
3 结果
12例均Ⅰ期愈合,随访10例,[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 毛囊显微移植技术治疗秃顶附565例临床分析 下一个医学论文: 局部或邻位皮瓣修复鼻部软组织缺损的分区应用