改良张力带固定治疗新鲜重度肩锁关节脱位 |
欧国潮 邱植栋 卢生香
[摘要] 目的 探讨改良张力带固定治疗重度肩锁关节脱位的疗效。方法 应用改良张力带固定治疗新鲜重度肩锁关节脱位32例。结果 32例术后X线片检查显示肩锁关节间隙恢复正常。获随访30例中,平均随访时间3年1个月。术后20~30 d,肩关节活动基本正常,45~70 d取出张力带,2~3个月可从事各种体力劳动。结论 改良张力带固定治疗新鲜重度肩锁关节脱位,创伤小,操作简单,可早期活动肩关节,疗效满意。 [关键词] 张力带固定; 肩锁关节; 脱位 [中图分类号] R681.7 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1005-6483(2000)03-0154-02
On the improved tension-band wire fixation in treating seriors dislocated acromioclavicular joint
OU Guochao,QIU Zhidong,LU Shengxiang. (Department of Orthopedics of Longyan People s Hospital,Fujian 364000,China)
[Abstract] Objective Study on the curative effect of the improved tension-band wire fixation in treating serious dislocated A-C joint.Methods Use the improved tension-band wire fixation in treating 32 cases of serious new dislocated A-C joint.Results X-ray tests show that all the dislocated A-C joint have been recovered normally after the treatment.Out of the 32 cases,30 have been followed up on an average of 3 years and 1 month;all the dislocated A-C joint returned to normal lever 20-30 days after the treatment;the tension-band wire were taken away in 45-70 days;all the patients can do manual labour after 2 or 3 months.Conclusions The improvedtension-band wire fixation,with its simple operation,causing only less wound and A-C joint being able to exercise earlier,has been proved satisfactory and suitable to treat serious new dislocated A-C joint. [Key words] Tension-band wire fixation; Acromioclavicular joint; Dislocation
一、一般情况:本组男18例,女14例。年龄最小17岁,最大58岁,平均28岁。均有伤肩部疼痛,伤肢乏力,肩外展、上举困难,锁骨外侧端隆起,弹性浮动感。X线片检查:肩锁关节完全分离,符合AllmanⅢ度脱位[1]。 二、手术方法:30例采用颈丛加臂丛阻滞麻醉,2例全身麻醉。患侧肩胛部垫高,经喙突向锁骨外侧端至肩峰弧形切口,显露喙突、锁骨外侧端、肩锁关节和肩峰,去除破碎关节软骨组织。8字形贯穿缝合喙锁韧带,暂不结扎。用一直径0.8 mm钢丝横向穿过距肩锁关节面1.5~2.0 cm锁骨端,用2枚直径2.0 mm克氏针经肩峰顺行穿至肩锁关节,当克氏针抵达关节面时,整复脱位肩锁关节,克氏针交叉或[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 跟腱断裂33例临床分析 下一个医学论文: 微量肝素预防外科DIC的临床研究