创伤小鼠反抑制T细胞的变化 |
梁华平 王正国 朱佩芳 罗 艳 耿 波 徐 祥
【摘要】 目的 研究创伤对反抑制细胞(Tcs)的影响。方法 采用小鼠截肢伤模型,利用长柔毛野豌豆凝集素(VVL)分离获取Tcs细胞,以直接免疫荧光法检测Tcs细胞数目;于正常T淋转、白介素2(IL-2)、IL-2受体(IL-2R)检测系统中测定Tcs细胞的反抑制活性变化;并作光镜、透射电镜观察。结果 创伤小鼠脾脏、胸腺细胞中Tcs细胞数目下降,但肠系膜淋巴细胞中Tcs细胞数目无明显变化;创伤后Tcs细胞的反抑制活性于伤后1天即有降低,伤后4~10天降低更甚,伤后14天尚未完全恢复正常;创伤后Tcs细胞在光镜未见明显异常,透射电镜下可见胞浆空泡形成,偶见胞浆溶解并呈现裸核,伤后14天小鼠Tcs细胞可见核内假包涵体形成。结论 创伤可引起Tcs细胞数目、功能及形态结构发生不同程度的改变。 【关键词】 创伤和损伤 T淋巴细胞
Changes of Contrasuppressor T Cells in Traumatized Mice
LIANG Huaping, WANG Zhengguo, ZHU Peifang, et al. Research Institute of Surgery, 3rd Military Medical University, Chongqing 400042
【Abstract】 Objective Effect of trauma on contrasuppressor T cells (Tcs) was studied. Methods A murine amputation injury model was used. Tcs were separated using the vicia villosa lective (VVL). Tcs number was measured with direct immunofluorescence method. Contrasuppressive activity of Tcs was determined in the measuring system of normal T lymphocyte transformation. Interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-2 receptor (IL-2R), and morphological structure of Tcs were observed under light microscope and penetrating electron microscope. Results The number of Tcs from the spleen and thymocyte was decreased after trauma while no significant change was noticed in mesenteric lymph nodes. Contrasuppressive activity of Tcs was decreased on 1st day after trauma and became more obvious on day 4 to 10. This change did not yet return to normal on day 14. The morphological structure of Tcs was not seen abnormal under light microscope, but under penetrating electron microscope, bleb formation was seen in Tcs cytoplasm, pseudounclusion in nucleus, and rarely cytolysis with naked nucleus were observed on day 14 posttrauma. Conclusions Trauma may result in changes of Tcs in number, functions and morphological structure at various degrees. 【Key words】 Wounds and injuries T lymphocytes
严重创伤可致机体免疫功能紊乱,其中T细胞介导的细胞免疫功能受抑现象表现得尤为突出,且这一变化[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 矩形髓内钉与Ender钉治疗胫腓骨骨折的临床应用及生物力学比较 下一个医学论文: 纤溶酶原激活剂及其抑制因子1在大鼠脊髓急性损伤时的表达