烧伤焦痂毒性物质D1对大鼠肝线粒体H ATP酶活性及能量偶联的影响 |
楼淑芬 宋举峰 陈宗荣
【摘要】 目的 观察烧伤焦痂D1成分对肝线粒体H+-ATP酶活性及ATP生成的影响,以探讨D1对线粒体呼吸抑制的作用机制。方法 制备大鼠肝亚线粒体成分并从烧伤焦痂中提取D1成分,在含线粒体的反应体系中加入D1成分,测H+-ATP酶活性及ATP生成量,并检测ANS荧光强度以反映线粒体氧化磷酸化偶联状态。结果 亚线粒体颗粒ATP酶水解活力的正常值为(7.18±0.06)μmol.mg-1.min-1,与D1作用后,H+-ATP酶活力有明显下降,其下降程度和D1的剂量呈负相关,并且本实验直接观察到在新鲜制备SMP中D1成分,直接抑制了ATP的生成。ANS荧光强度下降,亦与D1剂量呈负相关。结论 H+-ATP酶活力下降可能是D1对线粒体呼吸抑制机制之一,H+-ATP酶活力下降导致ATP生成减少。荧光强度下降反映线粒体氧化磷酸化功能下降。 【关键词】 烧伤 亚线粒体颗粒 H+转运ATP合酶 荧光光度测定法
Effects of D1 Extracted From Burn Eschar on H+-ATPase Activity and Energy Coupling of Liver Mitochondria in the Rats
LOU Shufen, SONG Jufeng, CHEN Zongrong. Dept. of Radiation Medicine, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038
【Abstract】 Objective Burn eschar contains many toxic substances. The present study was aimed to study the effects of D1, a toxic component from burn eschar, on mitochndrial H+-ATPase activity and ATP production. Methods Submitochondria and D1 were freshly prepared from rat liver and burn eschar separately; D1 was added to the reaction medium containing submitochondria. The H+-ATPase activity, ATP content and ANS fluorescence intensity were measured. Results The control value of H-ATPase activity in submitochondria was (7.18±0.06) Piμmol/mg. H+-ATPase activity was reduced sharply after adding D1 into reaction medium and there existed a negative correlation between D1 concentration and H+-ATPase activity. Furthermore, it was directly observed in the present study that D1 could inhibit ATP production in submitochondria. Decrease in ANS fluorescence intensity was negatively correlated with D1 concentration. Conclusions Reduction of H+-ATPase activity may contribute to the inhibition of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation by D1, and to the decrease of ATP production. Decline in ANS fluorescence intensity reflects the suppression in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. 【Key words】 Burns Submitochondrial par[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 间歇正压通气对犬胸部火器伤致肺损伤的救治作用 下一个医学论文: 三七总皂甙对颅脑损伤后Ca2 CaM含量影响的实验研究