间歇正压通气对犬胸部火器伤致肺损伤的救治作用 |
孙喜庆 刘荫秋 蔡建辉 李兵仓 郭建军 李曙光 刘维永 张良潮 王大田 陈志强
【摘要】 目的 探讨间歇正压通气(IPPV)对胸部火器伤致肺损伤犬的早期救治作用。方法 杂种犬14只,随机分为对照组(6只)和IPPV组(8只)。麻醉后得用0.4 g钢珠射击犬右侧胸部。对照组仅行伤口封闭,输液及胸腔闭式引流。IPPV组除进行上述操作外,于致伤后20分钟行IPPV。测量血流动力学指标,并做血气分析。结果 致伤即刻,对照组犬平均动脉血压(MAP)和峰值气道压(PIP)较致伤前显著升高(P<0.05),致伤后20分钟,PaO2、pH、氧饱合度(SaO2)、平均动脉压(MAP)及心率(HR)均显著降低(P<0.01),PaCO2及PIP显著升高(P<0.01),致伤后40,60分钟,上述变化呈渐进性加剧,动物平均存活时间为(38±25)分钟。IPPV组犬在致伤即刻及20分钟,上述指标变化与对照组相似;应用IPPV后,PaO2,SaO2,MAP,HR及PIP较对照组增显著升高(P<0.01),PaCO2显著降低(P<0.01),动物平均存活时间为(469±328)分钟。结论 严重胸部火器伤致肺损伤犬早期即可出现明显的呼吸功能不全。应用IPPV可改善胸部火器伤致肺损伤犬的气体交换,显著延长存活时间。 【关键词】 胸部损伤,火器 机械通气
Therapeutic Effect of Interval Positive Pressure Ventilation on Lung Injury Following Thoracic Gunshot Wounds in Dogs
SUN Xiqing*, LIU Yinqiu, CAI Jianhui, et al. * Dept. of Aerospace Biodynamics, Faculty of Aerospace Medicine, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi an 710032
【Abstract】 Objective To study the effect of interval positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) on thoracic gunshot wounds with lung injury in dogs. Methods Fourteen dogs were divided into control group (n=6) and IPPV group (n=8) at random. The dogs were shot in the right chest after anesthesia. The control dogs were only given hemostasis, infusion and closed thoracic drainage. In addition to the above-mentioned steps, the dogs in IPPV group were ventilated with IPPV for 20 minutes after wounding. Hemodynamic parameters and blood gases were measured. Results Mean arterial pressure (MAP) and peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) increased significantly immediately after wounding(P<0.05), and PaO2, pH, SaO2, MAP and heart rate (HR) decreased significantly, while PaCO2 increased significantly 20 minutes after wounding in the control dogs (P<0.01). These changes were further aggravated 40 and 60 minutes after wounding. The mean survival time was 38±25 minutes. No significant changes were found in IPPV group compared to[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 间接视神经损伤动物模型的研制 下一个医学论文: 烧伤焦痂毒性物质D1对大鼠肝线粒体H ATP酶活性及能量偶联的影响