经后路病灶清除RF矫形固定植骨治疗脊柱结核 |
张怀成 曾祥嘉 邱小骏 吴盛强 姜义 张镇辉 石开玖 曾树民 李祥志
【摘要】 目的 探讨治疗脊柱结核一期完成病灶清除、矫正脊柱后凸畸形、 前后同时植骨融合的效果。方法 俯卧位,以病椎为中心作后正中切口, 从病椎左右椎弓根骨膜下分离病灶(在胸椎段,先切取左右肋骨后段),椎弓根短节段固定器(RF系统)矫正脊柱后凸畸形和椎体间高度,彻底清除结核病灶,前后同时植骨。结果 15 例患者结核病灶清除彻底,脊柱畸形矫正角由术前18°~45°矫正到术后3.4°,椎体间高度由术前62.6%恢复到术后98.2%,植骨块无移位。结论 该手术入路简捷,病灶清除彻底, 畸形矫正满意,三柱固定植骨融合,后期脊柱稳定,缩短了卧床时间,减少了相应的并发症。 【关键词】脊柱结核;病灶清除;骨移植;骨折固定术,内 【中图分类号】 R529.2 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1008-0287(2000)03-0179-03
Treatment of vertebral tuberculosis by RF rectification, fixation and grafting bones through posterior approach focus clearance
Zhang Huaicheng,Zeng Xiangjia,Qiu Xiaojun,Wu Shengqiang,Jiang Yi,Zhang Zhenhui, Shi Kaijiu, Zeng Shumin,Li Xiangzhi (Dept of Orthopaedics,The 3rd Hospital of Neijiang City, Neijiang, Sichuan 641000)
【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the results of vertebral tuberculosis by complete focus clearance, rectifying deformed back-raised vertebrae and successively grafting bones at the front and the back of involved vertebrae meanwhile. Methods The patient kept prone position. A back middle incision was taken on the involved vertebrae as the center. Showing the vertebral focus by separating underneath pedicle of vertebral arch bone membrane of the left and right vertebrae from the sick one(for thoracic vertebral tuberculosis, cutting left and right rib hind ends). Rectifying deformed back-raised vertebrae and the level by setting the pedicle of vertebral arch short section fixators(RF system). Completely cleaning tuberculosis focus. Meanwhile grafting bones at the front and the back of involved vertebrae. Results Of 15 cases,tuberculosis focus was completely cleared and the Cobb angle of the deformed vertebrae column was rectified to 3.4° from preoperative 18°~45°,the level of vertebra to 98.2% from preoperative 62.6%. Position of the grafted bone kept stable.Conclusion The approach of the surgery is both simple and direct,as well as complet[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 骶骨骨折的诊断与治疗方法选择 下一个医学论文: 跟骨关节内骨折畸形愈合引起外踝部疼痛的手术治疗