下腹部真皮下血管网皮管修复手指皮肤脱套伤 |
庞施义 赵楷生 戈兵 朱冬承 王培刚 李林东
【摘要】 目的 探讨下腹部真皮下血管网皮管修复手指皮肤脱套伤。方法 蒂傍于腹壁浅或旋髂浅血管部位。将真皮下血管网皮瓣缝合为皮管,套于清创后伤指上,皮缘间断缝合;供瓣创面直接缝合。若两指同时受伤,将皮瓣一分为二,缝为皮管修复。修复17只手19指,皮瓣面积最小4.5 cm×4.5 cm,最大8 cm×13 cm、蒂宽8 cm。结果 断蒂时间平均18天,皮管全部成活。伤指皮肤3个月后出现感觉。结论 该皮管修复脱套伤,术后伤指外形及皮肤质地好,感觉恢复较佳。供瓣面积大,瘢痕隐蔽,对多指皮肤脱套伤尤为适宜。 【关键词】 指损伤;外科皮瓣 【中图分类号】 R622.1;R658.2 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1008-0287(2000)03-0185-02
Repair of degloving injury of finger with a subdermal vascular network flap of hypogastric region
Pang Shiyi, Zhao Kaisheng,Ge Bing,Zhu Dongcheng, Wang Peigang, Li Lindong (Dept of Plastic Surgery, The Peoples Hospital of Sihong County, Sihong,Jiangsu 223900)
【Abstract】 Objective To study a repair method of degloving injury of finger with a subdermal vascular network flap of hypogastric region. Methods The subdermal vascular network flap was designed and created on the hypogastric region close to superficial epigastric or superficial circumflex iliac vessel. The flap-shaped skin tube covered injured finger or it was divided into two for two injured fingers. The wound of donor region was directly closed. 19 degloved fingers in 17 hands were repaired. The smallest size of flaps harvested was 4.5 cm×4.5 cm,while the largest 8 cm×13 cm. The width of flap was 8 cm. Results The mean period of cutting pedicle was 18 days after the flap transfer. All the transplants survived. The skin sensory appeared 3 months postoperatively. Conclusion The flap has good blood supply,suitable thickness, satisfactory appearance and recoverable sense. The size of flap is large enough to cover several injured fingers. The scar of donor region lies in unexposed area, especially suitable for the repair of degloving injury of finger. 【Key words】finger injuries; surgical flaps
1 材料与方法
1.1 病例资料 本组男12例,女5例,年龄2~29岁。受伤至手术时间3~6.5 h,均为机械绞挫伤。共17只手19指,其[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 聚D 下一个医学论文: 膝骨关节炎病因 X线片及临床表现分析