鹅型外固定器治疗第一掌骨骨折 |
单先康 王振海 刘素清
【摘要】 目的 介绍一种治疗第一掌骨基底骨折的鹅型外固定器。方法 固定器由手部部分和肘部托板部分组成。通过牵引鹅嘴迫使第一掌骨头背伸,鹅颈的压迫使第一掌骨向骨折块靠拢,达到第一掌骨基底骨折的复位和腕掌关节脱位的复位;肘部托板作为牵引的支点。固定4~6周后去除鹅型外固定器行功能锻炼。结果 21例均复位良好。随访3个月以上的16例,关节活动恢复正常。结论 该外固定器的设计符合生物力学原理,使用方便,临床应用效果满意。 【关键词】掌骨骨折;外固定器 【中图分类号】 R683 【文献标识码】 B 【文章编号】 1008-0287(2000)03-0189-03
Treatment of first metacarpal fracture with goose-shape external fixator
Shan Xian-kang, Wang Zhenhai, Liu Suqing (Out-patient Dept,The 463rd Hospital of PLA, Shenyang, Liaoning 110042)
【Abstract】 Objective To introduce a goose-shape external fixator in the treatment of first metacarpal fracture. Methods The goose-shape external fixator consists of the part at the hand and the supporting splint at the elbow. Stretching the “goose mouth” can make the head of first metacarpal extend dorsally and pressing the “goose neck” maked the first metacarpal base stay close to the spot of fracture. The above effects could maintain the repositioning of the fracture and carpometacarpal dislocation in the Bennetts fracture. The supporting splint at the elbow acted as stretching pillar. Movement of the thumb could be performed when the goose-shape external fixator was removed after 4 to 6 weeks. Results All 21 cases had good reduction. 16 cases were followed up for over 3 months. The movement of their carpometacarpal joint restored to normal. Conclusion The design of external fixator conforms to biomechanical principle. It is easy to manipulate and effective in clinical application. 【Key words】 metacarpal fractures; external fixators
1 材料与方法
1.1 鹅型外固定器材料 28号铁丝(2.5 mm、长约60 cm),厚1.2~1.5 mm熟铝板,螺钉,螺母,乳胶手套。 1.2 鹅型外固定器的制作 1.2.1 鹅型外固定器手部部分 由鹅嘴、鹅头、鹅颈、鹅身4部分组成。用克氏钳将铁丝按图1制作。鹅嘴:舌形。鹅头:方形。鹅颈:半亚字形,两侧突出的方块内焊接内径5.0 mm螺母,鹅颈前方有用铝板做成的与之匹配的半方盒形装置,靠鹅身一侧与螺母[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 硬膜外 下一个医学论文: 聚D