睾丸表皮样囊肿10例报告 |
王国良 陈忠新 高麟韬
摘 要:目的:提高对睾丸表皮样囊肿的认识和诊疗水平。方法:回顾性分析收治的10例睾丸表皮样囊肿的临床资料,其中8例采用肿瘤剜除术,2例采用睾丸切除术。结果:术后随访3个月~19年,无肿瘤复发及转移。结论:睾丸表皮样囊肿是少见的睾丸良性肿瘤,病史、体检及超声检查对本病的诊断有较大意义,主张采用保存患侧睾丸的肿瘤剜除术。 关键词:睾丸表皮样囊肿 肿瘤剜除术 B型超声
Epidermoid cyst of the testis(Report of 10 cases)
WANG Guo-liang CHEN Zhong-xin GAO Lin-tao (Department of Urology, the Third Affiliated Hospital, Beijing Medical University, Beijing, 100083)
Abstract:Purpose: To improve the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of epidermoid cyst of the testis. Methods: Together with review of literatures, 10 cases of epidermoid cyst of the testis were reported and the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, features of ultrasonography, features of pathology, histogenesis, and treatment were discussed. Results: 8 cases among the 10 patients underwent tumor enucleation and preserved their testis. None of the patients suffered from local recurrence or peripheral metastases during a followup of 3 months-19 years. Conclusions: Epidermoid cyst of the testis is a kind of rare benign tumors of the testis. But it has a relatively high incidence in Chinese population. Medical history, physical examination, ultrasonic examination have significance to its diagnosis. Tumor enucleation is recommended for its treatment. Key words:Epidermoid cyst of the testis Tumor enucleation B-Ultrasound▲
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料 本组10例11侧,年龄18~51岁,中位年龄23岁。其中右侧7例,左侧4例。均以阴囊偶发性肿物就诊,其中2例偶感疼痛。病史6个月~20年,肿物增长缓慢。2例曾予抗结核治疗无效;2例曾予抗生素治疗,1例疼痛缓解,另1例无效。体检发现睾丸内质地较硬肿物,凸向表面,光滑,2例有轻压痛。肿物直径0.3~3.0 cm。B超检查5例,3例表现为边界清晰的低回声占位性病变,其中1例包膜部分钙化,另2例表现为混合回声,以低回声为主,伴少量中等回声。B超提示睾丸表皮样囊肿3例,睾丸畸胎瘤1例。多普勒超声检查3例,均示结节内无或仅有少量血流信号。1例血β-人绒毛膜促性腺激素和甲胎球蛋白均在正常范围。术前拟诊为睾丸表皮样囊肿3例,睾丸良性肿瘤5例,睾丸畸胎瘤1例,睾丸结核1例。 1.2 手术方法 8例行囊肿剜除术,术中先以肠钳阻断精索血流,在纱布保护下切开睾丸,见肿瘤位于睾丸实质内,呈圆形或椭圆形,包膜完整,与周围易分离,内含豆腐渣样物,遂游离肿物。2例经腹股沟行睾丸切除术。睾丸保存率为80%。
[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 肠粘膜相关淋巴组织淋巴瘤的诊断和治疗 下一个医学论文: 阴茎癌68例临床分析