肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤的诊断与治疗 |
何有华 陈映鹤 竺海波 张磊
[摘要] 目的 探讨肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤(错构瘤)的诊断与 治疗方法。方法 回顾分析22例肾错构瘤的临床资料。 结果 诊断符合率B超为54.5%,CT为81.8%,术前诊断错构瘤18例,误诊为肾 癌4例,其中3例术中冰冻切片示错构瘤。行肿瘤剜除11例,肾部分切除7例,肾切除3例, 肾根治性切除1例。结论 CT是诊断错构瘤的首选检查手段,肿瘤体 积小、脂肪含量少、瘤内出血是影像学改变不典型导致误诊的原因,仔细分析病史、影像学 资料及术中冰冻切片可避免误诊,手术治疗应尽量采用保留肾脏的手术。 [关键词] 肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤; CT; 冰冻切片; 手 术 [中图分类号] R737.11 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1005- 6483(2000)06-0354-02
The diagnosis and management of renal angiomyolipoma
HE Youhua,CHEN Yinghe,ZHU Haibo (Department of Urology,of Wenzhou Medical C ollege,Wenzhou 325000,China)
[Abstract] Objective To inquire into the diagnosis and management of renal angiomyolipoma.Methods The 22 cases of RAML were studied restrospectively.Results The diagnosis a ccuracy was 54.5% for B-ultrasound and 81.8% for CT,18 were diagnosed as RAML and 4 were misdiagnosed as renal cell carcinoma preoperatively,of which 3 were diagnosed as RAML based on intraoperative frozen section study.11 had been perfo rmed enuoleation,7 partial nephrectomy,3 nephrectomy and 1 radical nephrectomy. Conclusions CT is the first-line imaging method for RAML.t he cow fatty component,intratumor hemorrhage and small tumor are the main canse of misdiagnosis in RAML.careful analysis to clinical feature and imaging data,i ntraoperative frozen sect,ion study can avoid misdiagnosis.nephron-sparing su rgery is the best operative management. [Key words] Renal angiomyolipoma; CT; Intraopera tive frozen section; Opertion
肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤(renal angiomrolipoma,RAML)又称错构瘤,我们 1993~1999年收治73例肾肿瘤中,经手术和病理证实RAML22例,现报告如下。 临床资料
一、一般资料:本组22例,男6例,女16例。年龄23~61岁,平均42.7岁。左侧8例,右侧 9例,双侧5例,其中单侧单发肿瘤12例,单侧多发肿瘤5例。肿瘤直径0.6~8.4 cm。表现为 腰部隐痛5例,体检发现14例,均无肉眼血尿及结节性硬化表现。病程1周至10年。 二、影像学资料:22例均行B超检查,肿块呈不均匀强回声光团12例,低回声5例,混合回 声5例,伴肾周积液3例。CT检查22例,平扫肿瘤内测得脂肪信号16例,伴肾周出血3例;呈 均匀低密度或等密度肿块6例,经薄层扫描加局部图像放大测得脂肪信号2例。MRI检查5例, 表现 为T1、T2像均为不均匀较高信号,抑脂像信号减低2例,改变不明显3例。瘤体位于包膜 下明显突出肾表面20例,其中8例瘤体大部位于肾轮廓之外。[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 经肝动脉化疗栓塞后TGF 下一个医学论文: 脑出血急性期脱水治疗160例临床分析