急性下消化道大出血的检查与治疗 |
蒋兴海 童仕伦
[摘要] 目的 探讨 急性下消化道大出血的诊治方法。方法 分析21例急性下消化道大 出血的诊治经过。结果 本组21例中6例药物治疗止血成功,成功 率28.6%。肠系膜动脉造影阳性率92.8%,介入治疗成功率84.6%,随访1个月至4年无复发 。结论 急性下消化道大出血首先选用药物治疗。出血不能控制者 宜选用选择性肠系膜动脉造影检查。造影确认出血动脉后同时介入栓塞治疗。造影阴性而出 血不能控制者应手术探查。 [关键词] 急性下消化道大出血; 选择性动脉造影 [中图分类号] R656 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1005-6483 (2000)06-0346-03
The diagnosis and treatment of acute lower gastrointestinal massive bleeding
JIANG Xinhai,TONG Shilun (Department of general surgery,Fi rst Affiliated Hospital of Hubei Medical University,Wuhan 430060,China)
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the methods of dia gnosis and treatment of acute lower gastrointestinal massive bleeding. Methods Retrospective analysis was made on diagnozing and treatin g of 21 patients with acute lower gastrointestinal massive bleeding Re sults Within a total of 21 cases,bleeding was controlled by conserv ative treatment in 6 cases(28.6%),supermesenteric angiography showe positive fin dings in 92.8% and the interventional therapy was applied successfully in 84.6%. no recurrence was observed after Ⅰ month to 4 year follow up. Conclu sions Patients with acute lower gastrointestinal massive bleeding sh ould be treated firstly by conservatie method,uncontrollable bleeding should be evaluated by selective supermesenteric angiography;after the bleeding artery was recongnized by angiography,the intervention embolotherapy should be taken;the p atients whose angiography are negative and bleeding cannot be controlled should be operatded. [Key words] Acute lower gastrointestinal massive b leeding; Selective supermesenteric angiography interventional embolothera py
急性下消化道大出血在临床不常见,但其来势迅猛,而又不易迅速查明出 血原因,治疗较困难,自1990年至今我院收治下消化道大出血21例,现将诊治体会报告如下 。 临床资料
本组21例,男16例,女5例。年龄15~69岁,平均34岁。全组病人均表现为短时间内急性 便血,量达500 ml/d以上,其中5例病人出现休克,部分病人伴腹痛。 全组病人均行积极药物治疗,6例病人出血控制,未控制出血15例中14例行急诊选择性肠 系膜动脉造影,13例发现出血动脉,1例阴性,阳性率92.8%。13例有出血动脉者均行介入栓 塞或药[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: JL消毒剂杀灭微生物效果与腐蚀性的试验观察 下一个医学论文: 单球囊导管扩张及内支架置放治疗布