砖火丝菌对电离辐射抗力测定方法的研究 |
闫傲霜 王爱连
提要 研究了测定砖火丝菌对电离辐射抗力的方法,并对用美国卫生工业制造者协会“筛选程序”分离自棉制医用敷料的2株砖火丝菌进行了测定。结果表明,对琼脂平板上砖火丝菌培养物,采用沙洗法(以140目细沙代替常规法中的玻璃珠)洗脱,效果较好。对悬液中及干燥于纱布和琼脂片表面火丝菌,经剂量率为10~20 kGy/h的60钴γ射线辐照,用剂量-存活曲线法和部分阳性测定法测得γ射线对火丝 菌D10值在2.0~3.0 kGy之间。其中,部分阳性测定法测得D10值较高,干燥于纱布表面砖火丝菌抗力较弱。 关键词 电离辐射灭菌 砖火丝菌 D10值 检测方法
Yan Aoshuang Wang Ailian (Beijing Radiation Application Research Center, Beijing 100012)
The method for measuring resistance of Pyronema domesticum to ionizing radiation was studied and 2 strains of P. domesticum isolated from cotton-based medical dressing by means of “Screening Procedures” of American Association of Sanitary Industrial Manufacturers were measured. The results indicated that for culture of P. domesticum on agar plate, elution by sand washing method (140-mesh fine sand was used to replace glass beads in conventional method) had good efficacy. D10 value of P. domesticum in suspension and dried on gauze and surface of agar piece after 60Co γ-irradiation at a dose rate of 10-20 kGy/h was measured to be between 2.0-3.0 kGy by using dose-survival curve method and fraction positive method. Of the two methods, the D10 value measued by fraction positive method was higher and the resistance of P. domesticum dried on surface of gauze was relatively low. Key words ionizing radiation sterilization Pyronema domesticum D10value measuring method
砖火丝菌(Pyronema domesticum)是存在于棉制品上对环氧乙烷抗力较强的一种霉菌。棉制医疗用品曾因此而灭菌不彻 底[1]。为了解其对电离辐射的抗力,供进行灭菌时参考,并鉴于尚无统一的砖火丝菌抗力测定方法,我们用不同方法洗脱其培养物及染在不同载体上,测定其对电离辐射的抗力。
1 方法
1.1 菌悬液的制备 将采用美国卫生工业制造者协会“筛选程序”,分离自棉纱布并保存在土豆胰蛋白琼脂(PDA)上的砖火丝菌N1和N2 株[2],分别转种胰蛋白大豆肉汤(TSB)中,于20~25℃培养3 d。取培养液1.0 ml接种PDA平板(pH 7.0),于20~25℃培养10 d。然后,每个平板用1 g140目的细沙和10 ml无菌盐水,将其上的培养物洗脱(称为沙洗法),制成菌悬液。该悬液经旋涡混合器高速振荡1~2 min[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 亚甲蓝光敏法消毒血浆的影响因素研究 下一个医学论文: 高氧化还原电位酸性水制备及杀菌效果的试验观察