骨恶性肿瘤及骨转移癌瘤段切除重建18例体会 |
许建波 肖砚斌 袁涛
【摘要】 目的 评价骨恶性肿瘤及骨转移癌瘤段切除功能重建的意义。方法 采用4种方法修复:①北京亚华公司提供的长柄人工股骨头置换;②自制的甲基丙烯酸甲酯假体置换;③自体腓骨骨移植;④瘤段切除后关节融合术。结果 ①近期疗效:18例患者术后疼痛消失14例,占88%,术后疼痛减轻2例占12%;下肢瘤段切除人工关节置换者均在3周内活动,100%下床行走,其中不使用拐杖者占66%,使用单拐者占33%;②中远期疗效:术后随访5个月~13年,平均4.8年,现存活共计11例,占74%。结论 应用上述方法瘤段切除后修复重建,能恢复肢体绝大部分或部分功能,消除和减轻疼痛,延长患者寿命,降低残废率,提高生存质量。 【关键词】骨肿瘤;肿瘤转移;骨重建 【中图分类号】 R738.1;R658 【文献标识码】 B 【文章编号】 1008-0287(2000)03-0194-03
Experience on reconstruction about tumor segment excision of the bone cancer and bone metastatic tumor for 18 patients
Xu Jianbo,Xiao Yanbin,Yuan Tao (Dept of Orthopaedics,The 3rd Affiliated Hosptial of Kunming Medical College,Kunming,Yunnan 650106)
【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the significance of the tumor segment excision of bone cancer and the metastatic bone tumor.Methods The following 4 methods were used to repair it:①long handle artificial joints were provided by Beijing Yahua Company;②the self-made prosthesis of methyl methaerlate;③self-fibula transplant;④the joint fusion operation after tumor segment excision. Results ①Short term curative effect:in 18 patients,14 patients pain was vanished after operation, up to 88%. 2 patients pain was abated, up to 12%.All patients could walk 66% without using walking stick,and 33% using only one walking stick;②middle and long term curative effect:the patients were followed up for 5 months to 13 years after operation, 4.8 years on average.11 patients survived,up to 74%.Conclusion The method to repair,reconstruct can reserve most functions of extremities and abate pain, increase life-span,decrease the rate of disabled and improve the life quality. 【Key words】bone neoplasms;neoplasm metastasis;bone remodeling
1 材料与方法
1.1 病例资料 本组18例,男11例,女7例,年龄14~54岁。全部病例经病理证实。 原发骨肿瘤13例:骨肉瘤4例,骨巨细胞瘤8例,[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 经皮穿刺腰椎间盘髓核摘除术疗效分析 下一个医学论文: 多节段开窗减压椎管潜行扩大治疗腰椎管狭窄症