AO钢板 矩形髓内钉 带锁髓内钉治疗胫骨骨折的比较 |
刘艺明 陈疾忤 黄彰 龚立 田克超 吴强
【摘要】 目的 探讨胫骨骨折内固定物的临床疗效。方法 采用AO钢板治疗52例,矩形髓内钉16例,带锁髓内钉36例,并进行临床随访分析。 结果 骨折愈合时间AO钢板组平均8个月,矩形髓内钉组9个月,带锁髓内钉组6个 月。AO钢板组发生伤口感染3例,延迟感染1例,钢板松动3例;矩形髓内钉组发生畸形愈合2 例; 带锁髓内钉组发生伤口感染1例,远端锁钉松动1例,膝前痛1例。结论 带锁髓内钉为轴性及弹性内固定,内固定坚强,为闭合或半闭合性手术,创伤小,开放 性骨折或不稳定性骨折应首选此装置。 【关键词】胫骨骨折;AO钢板;矩形髓内钉;带锁髓内钉 【中图分类号】 R683.42;R687.3 【文献标识码】 B 【文章编号】 1008-0287(2000)03- 0207-03
Comparison of treatment of the tibia fractures with AO plate, square intramedullary nail and interlocking nail
Liu Yiming,Chen Jiwu,Huang Zh ang,Gong Li,Tian Kechao,Wu Qiang (Dept of Orthopaedics,Hefei 1st Peoples Ho spital,Hefei,Anhui 230061)
【Abstract】 Objective To explore the clinical effect of in ternal fixation devices in treatment of tibia fractures.Methods There were 52 patients treated by AO plate,16 cases by square intramedullary n ail, and 36 cases by interlocking nail.All the patients were followed up.Results Union occurred at an averaged time of 8 months, 9 months, 6 m onths respectively in AO plate, square intramedullary nail and interlocking nail .In AO plate group there were wound infection in 3, delayed infection in 1, plat e loosening in 3; there was 1 case of deforming union in square intramedullary n ail group; and in interlocking nail group there were wound infection in 1, dista l screw loosening in 1, and painful knee in 1 case. Conclusion Interlocking nail is axial, elastic and it is the most solid internal fixation d evices,and it is a semi-closed operation with less operative trauma.It should b e firstly choosen in patients with open or unstable fracture. 【Key words】tibial fractures; AO plate; square intramedulla ry;interlocking nail
由于胫骨表面肌肉、软组织覆盖少、其中1/3血供来源单一等解剖因素,故开放 性骨折较多,骨折延迟愈合或不愈合率较高,骨折后骨筋膜室综合征的发生率也较高。胫骨 骨折治疗方法较多,笔者对AO钢板、矩形髓内钉、带锁髓内钉治疗胫骨骨折的优缺点进行了 比较。
1 材料与方法
1.1 病例资料 AO钢板组52例,男30 例,女22例,年龄20~63岁;矩形髓内钉组16例,男12例,女4例,年龄22~58岁;带锁髓 内钉组36例,男22例,女14例,年龄19~60岁[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 静脉移植改道修复动脉损伤 下一个医学论文: 手术治疗跟骨关节内骨折