单侧多房性肾囊肿7例报告 |
张顺兴 陈向东 卜强 顾斌 张克贤
摘要 目的:提高对单侧多房性肾囊肿临床特点的认识。方法:回顾性分析7例本病患者的临床资料。结果:主要症状为血尿、腰痛、高血压和腹部肿块。3例行囊肿去顶减压术,4例病肾功能丧失者行病肾切除。随访1~2年,均预后良好。结论:该病为良性病变,治疗以囊肿去顶减压术为主。 关键词 肾囊肿 多房性 去顶减压术 外科手术
Multilocular renal cyst (Reports of 7 cases)
Zhang Shunxing Chen Xiangdong Bu Qiang et al (Department of Urology,the First People′s Hospital of Zhenjiang,Jiangsu,212002)
Abstract Purpose:To discuss the diagnosis and the management of multilocular renal cyst.Methods:7 cases of the multilocular renal cyst in this group,4 men,3 women,aged from 22 to 67 years old (49 in average),4 cases on left side,3 on right.B-type ultrasonic scanner revealed the renal multicystic masses in all 7 cases,CT scanner showed the multicystic masses to,different size,apiary-like in appearance,6~10 Hu in the cysts.3 of 7 cases received unroofing decompression ope-ration,with 7~61 loculars separately found.4 case underwent nephrectomy,the multilocular cysts showed on the specimen section.Results:The pathological examination displayed that the epithelium tissue on the liner of the loculars,the connective tissue in the interwall of the loculars,the remainded renal parenchyma got degenerative changes.Conclusion:The multilocular renal cyst is a sort of benign lesion,which is usually performed unroofing decompression. Key words Kidney cysts Multilocular Unroofing decompression Surgery
单侧多房性肾囊肿临床上较为罕见。我院1983年7月~1997年6月收治7例,报告如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 临床资料 本组7例,男4例,女3例。年龄22~67岁,平均49岁。左侧4例,右侧3例。囊肿位于肾上极2例,中下部5例。囊肿大小:(5 cm×6 cm×8 cm)~(9 cm×11 cm×14 cm)。症状:血尿5例(其中4例伴腰痛,1例有高血压史),单纯腰痛2例,腰腹部肿块4例。IVU:病肾无排泄功能4例(1例伴肾盂肾盏多发性结石),3例可见肾盂肾盏孤形压迹。B超:7例均探及多房性囊性肿块(1例伴多发性结石)。4例CT平扫及增强扫描均见多囊性肿块,囊肿大小不一,呈蜂窝状,囊内CT值6~10 Hu。 1.2 治疗 7例中3例行囊肿去顶减压术,术中见囊肿数为7~61个。4例行病肾切除,标本切开后囊肿呈多房性,可见淡黄色液体流出。显微镜检查:囊壁内为上皮组织,囊壁之间是结缔组织,残余肾实质呈退行性病变。病理诊断:多房性肾囊肿。 2 结果 7例术后获得随访1~2年,3例去顶减压者中2例无不适症状,1例偶感腰部有隐痛,[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 离断性肾盂成形术双J管内引流治疗肾盂输尿管连接部狭窄 下一个医学论文: 诱导性一氧化氮合酶抑制药对感染性休克治疗作用的观察