成人输尿管囊肿11例报告 |
门光金 许传亮 孙颖浩 钱松溪 王秀云
摘要 目的:总结成人输尿管囊肿的诊治经验。方法:对住院手术治疗的11例本病患者临床资料进行分析。结果:均经B超、IVU及膀胱镜检查确诊。开放手术2例,经尿道输尿管囊肿电切开术9例。10例获术后随访,疗效确切。结论:对囊肿直径≤3.0 cm者宜行经尿道电切开术,而对直径>3.0 cm及合并严重的重复肾重复输尿管畸形者应采用开放性手术,并行输尿管再植抗反流。 关键词 输尿管囊肿 经尿道电切 经膀胱切除 再植
Ureteroceles in Adults (Report of 11 Cases)
Men Guangjin Xu Chuanliang Sun Yinghao et al (Department of Urology,Changhai Hospital,the Second Military Medical University,Shanghai,200433)
Abstract Purpose:To sum up the experience of diagnosis and treatment of adult ureterocele.Methods:Transvesical ureterocele excisions and ureter reimplantations or transurethral incisions of ureteroceles (TUIU) were carried out for 11 adult patients with single-system ureteroceles from 1983 to 1998 in this hospital.Results:These patients have been followed up for a mean of 8 years.Secondary large haemorrhage occured in 1 case after TUIU.No postoperative reflux,ureteral stricture or relapsing ureterocele were found.The etiology,diagnosis and treatment indication of ureterocele were discussed in details.Conclusion:Those with a diameter of ≤3 cm should be incised by endoscopic route,whereas those with a diameter of >3 cm should be treated by transvesical excision and reimplantation in avoidance of postoperative vesicoureteral reflux. Key words Ureterocele Transurethral incision Transvesical excision Reimplantation
我院1983年2月~1998年2月,共收治成人输尿管囊肿11例,其中开放性手术2例,腔内手术9例,术后10例获随访,平均随访8年,疗效满意。报告如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 临床资料 本组11例,男8例,女3例。年龄28~51岁,平均37.5岁。病程15 d~18年,平均4.2年。以腰部及下腹疼痛为主要症状者9例,其中伴会阴部放射痛2例,尿路刺激症状2例,全程肉眼血尿1例。体检发现2例。合并肾积水5例,输尿管扩张8例,囊肿内结石3例,重复肾、重复输尿管畸形2例,副脾畸形1例。 B超检查示膀胱内类圆形透光区,直径1.0~6.4 cm,其体积呈节律性变化,3例于透光区内显示强回声影。IVU示输尿管囊肿呈蛇头样影像,直径1.0~4.8 cm,与输尿管相延续。膀胱镜下见患侧输尿管口处类圆形淡蓝色囊肿,体积随喷尿及膀胱注水增加而减少。2例重复肾、重复输尿管畸形者,管口均位于膀胱内。 1.2 治疗 直径4.5和6.4 cm的2例行开放性输尿管囊肿切除加输尿管膀胱再植术,9例直径≤3.0 cm者行经尿道输尿管囊肿电切开术。腔内手术以钩状电极在囊肿中部由后外上向前内下弧形切开囊壁0.5~[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 先天性巨输尿管症 附10例报告 下一个医学论文: 尿道处女膜融合症合并尿道肉阜的诊治 附107例报告