睾丸女性化综合征睾丸组织超微结构与临床 |
吴天福 成举国 杨正华 杨燕玲 陈茂叔 吕麟亚 曹相军 植勇 郑思琳
摘要 目的:探讨睾丸女性化综合征睾丸组织的超微结构改变及临床表现。方法:对3例本病患者的睾丸组织进行光镜及电镜观察,并结合临床表现进行分析。结果:睾丸由众多结缔组织间质和散在其中的精曲小管组成。精曲小管中无精子生成,生精细胞停滞在精原细胞阶段,支持细胞的内质网异常地扩大呈囊泡状。精曲小管固有膜的内纤维层明显增宽。间质细胞增生,镜下可见丰富的滑面内质网和线粒体管状嵴——典型的分泌固醇类激素细胞特点。结论:本病患者睾丸超微结构明显异常,而且异位睾丸容易恶变和导致损伤,故应予切除,同时并辅以雌激素替代治疗。 关键词 睾丸女性化 超微结构 睾丸间质细胞
The ultrastructure of testicles in patients with Turner′s syndrome and its clinical implication
Wu Tianfu Cheng Juguo Yang Zhenhua et al ( Department of Pediatric Surgery,the Affiliated Hospital of Luzhou Medical College,Sichuan,646000)
Abstract Purpose:To explore the ultrastructure of testicles in patients with Turner′s syndrome and its clinical presentations.Methods:The ultrastructure of testicles in patients with Turner′s syndrome were observed under electronic microscope.Results:These observed testicles consist of a great quantity of connective tissue and spotted seminiferous tubules in which no spermatozoon was found.Spermatogenic cells remained at the stage of spermatogonium and the endoplasmic reticulum of sustentacular cells expanded abnormally as cystic structure.Around seminife-rous tubules,fibric endostratum with membrane thickened Significantly and interstitial cells prolife-rated.Abundant agranular endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria microtubules were found in the interstitial cells,which is typical features of secretory cells of steroid hormone.Conclusions:The ultrastructure of testicles in patients with Turner′s syndrome is significant abnormal,and the ectopic testicle should be removed,with easily malignant transformation.In addition,Substitution treatment with androgen should be executed in patients with Turner′s syndrome. Key words Testicular feminization Ultrastructure Testicular intersitial cells
睾丸女性化综合征(Testicular feminization syndrome)又名雄激素不敏性综合征,是一种比较常见的男性假两性畸形。该病[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 肾上腺皮质癌的诊断与治疗 附7例报告 下一个医学论文: Bell