新型钙增敏剂MCI |
殷作明 胡德耀 刘良明 卢儒权 陈艳 黄钢
摘 要:目的 研究新型钙增敏剂MCI-154对失血性休克动物心肌功能与结构改变的影响, 明确MCI-154对失血性休克的治疗作用。 方法 用家兔和大鼠两种动物制作失血性休克模型,设立MCI-154治疗组和等渗盐水对照组, 监测家兔心肌血流动力学指标,测定大鼠血浆CK-MB和LDH并观察大鼠心肌细胞结构的变化。 结果 MCI-154治疗后LVSP、+dp/dtmax、Lo和Vpm等较对照组均有非常显著的升高、LVEDP显著降低; CK-MB、LDH的活性非常显著地低于对照组;心肌细胞结构损伤程度明显轻于对照组。 结论 MCI -154可显著改善失血性休克兔和大鼠的心肌功能,减轻心肌细胞的损伤程度,对失血性休克心肌具有显著的保护作用。 关键词:休克,出血性; 心肌; 钙增敏剂
Protective function of a new calcium sensitizer MCI-154 on myocardium of hemorrhagic shock animals
YIN Zuoming HU Deyao LIU Liangming, et al. (Research Institute of Surgery,Daping Hospital, The Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400042, China)
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the effect of new calcium sensitizer MCI-154 on myocardial structure and function of animal with hemorrhagic shock to find out function of MCI-154 on treatment of hemorrhagic shock. Methods Rabbit and rat hemorrhagic shock models were created and divided into MCI-154 treatment group and normal saline (NS) control group. The indexes of cardiac muscular blood flow dynamics in hemorrhagic shock rabbits, CK-MB and LDH of plasma level and changes of myocardial structure of rats with hemorrhagic shock were determined. Results After treatment with MCI-154, LVSP, +dp/dtmax, Lo and Vpm were increased significantly, LVEDP reduced markedly compared with the control group. The activity of CK-MB and LDH was weaker than that of the control group. The damage of myocardial cell structure was lighter than that of the control group. Conclusions MCI-154 can improve cardiac function, lighten cellular damage and protect the myocardium during hemorrhagic shock in rats and rabbits. Key words:Shock, hemorrhagic; Cardiac muscle; Calcium sensitizer▲
[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 低速弹颅脑伤后脑微循环变化的实验研究 下一个医学论文: 血小板在脂肪栓塞综合征发病及诊断中的作用