预弯双钢板治疗肩胛颈骨折的影像学研究与临床应用 |
郝毅 杨文勋 赵大正
摘 要:目的 为预弯双钢板在肩胛颈骨折的应用提供影像学数据,介绍手术方法和适应证。 方法 用CT扫描和X线平片测量的方法,对30例成人肩胛骨的颈部、肩胛冈的基底部和肩胛骨外侧缘等进行三维观测。 结果 肩胛颈、肩胛冈的基底部和肩胛骨外侧缘可以接受钢板螺钉内固定。应用预弯双钢板治疗移位的肩胛颈骨折11例,无肩胛上神经及肩胛上动脉损伤等并发症。11例获随访,平均随访19个月,患侧肩关节功能优良率为81.8%(9/11)。 结论 本方法固定坚强,并发症少,利于病人早期锻炼和康复。 关键词:骨折固定术,内; 骨折,肩胛骨; 图像处理,计算机辅助
Image study and clinical application of the treatment of scapular neck fracture by two bending steel plates fixation
HAO Yi YANG Wenxun ZHAO Dazheng. (Dept. of Orthopedics, Zhejiang Hospital, Hangzhou 310013, China)
Abstract:Objective To provide an image data for the usage of two bending steel plates fixation in the treatment of scapular neck fracture and to describe surgical methods and indications. Methods The neck and lateral margin of scapula and inferior surface of spina scapulae were determined three-dimensionally in 30 adults through CT scan and X-ray plain film. Results The neck and lateral margin of scapula and inferior surface margin of the spina scapulae were thick enough to accept plates fixation. Eleven cases were operated on to fix displaced fracture of the scapular neck with bending steel plates. There were no complications such as suprascapular nerve injury, suprascapular artery injury and so on. Eleven cases were followed up for an average of 19 months. The healing rate of ideal function of lateral shoulder joints was 81.8% (9/11). Conclusions The method of two bending steel plates fixation has advantages of firm fixation, less complications, early exercise and rehabilitation for patients. Key words:Fracture fixation, internal; Fracture, scapula; Image processing, computer-assisted▲
随着影像学的发展,CT在临床应用日益普遍,对肩胛骨骨折诊断率明显提高,同时还可以对骨胳进行定量测定。通过对30例成年人肩胛骨的X线平片和CT扫描观测,证实肩胛骨外侧缘、肩胛颈和肩胛冈的基底部的骨质厚度,能够接受AO 3.5 mm 加压钢板或重建钢板内固定。笔者回顾1984年2月~1996年1月采用预弯双钢板治疗移位的肩胛颈骨折11例。现报告如下。
1. 影像学测量与方法:随机抽取30例成人肩胛骨CT扫描,男15例,女15例;年龄31~ 60岁,平均42岁。CT机型为PQ6000。测量时患者仰卧位,双上肢置身体两侧,肘关节伸直[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 创伤性室间隔缺损的手术治疗 下一个医学论文: 骨形态发生蛋白和转化生长因子