明胶纤维网止血效果的临床观察 |
刘宿 牛金柱 葛衡江 刘怀琼
摘 要:目的 探讨明胶纤维网在不同出血创面的止血效果。 方法 (1)临床观察350例急诊创伤和手术出血病人,根据出血性质分为浅表创面出血、深部创面出血和实质脏器出血3类。观察比较明胶纤维网(GF)、氧化纤维素(OC)和明胶海绵(GS)3种止血材料的止血时间,并与医用纱布进行对比。(2)扫描电镜观察3种止血材料的结构。 结果 (1)浅表创面各组止血时间无显著性差异(P> 0.05 );在深部创面GF组,止血时间与GS和OC比较有显著性差异(P< 0.05)。但在内脏渗血创面,GF、OC和GS的有效率无显著性差异(P>0.05)。(2)扫描电镜显示,GF呈网络状致密结构,OC和GS的结构均有较大网眼。 结论 明胶纤维网结构致密,因而在深部出血创面止血效果较结构疏松的氧化纤维素和明胶海绵为佳。 关键词:止血药; 止血,局部; 明胶纤维网
Clinical hemostatic effects of gelatin fleece
LIU Su NIU Jinzhu GE Hengjiang, et al. (Dept. of Anesthesia, Research Institute of Surgery, Daping Hospital, The Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400042, China)
Abstract:Objective To investigate the hemostatic effect of gelatin fleece (GF) on different traumatic bleeding. Methods In clinic, 350 patients who suffered bleeding from trauma and surgical operation were studied. There were three types of bleeding, i.e. bleeding of superficial trauma, of deep trauma and of parenchymatous organs according to bleeding character. Hemostatic time of GF, oxidized cellulose (OC) and gelatin sponge (GS) was recorded and compared with that of medical gauze. The structure of hemostatic agents was observed using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results There was no significant difference in the time to stop bleeding of superficial trauma. But a significant difference in the time to stop bleeding of deep trauma appeared compared with that of GS and OC (P<0.05). In the bleeding trauma of internal organs, the effect of GF, OC and GS was similar. SEM showed that the reticular structure of GF was much denser than that of GS and OC. Conclusions For its dense structure, GF had a better hemostatic effect on bleeding of deep trauma than that of OC or GS. Key words:Hemostatics; Hemostasis, topical; Gelatin fleece▲
出血是战、创伤救治和外科手术中威胁伤病员生命安全的难题。如何进行有效地止血对提高平战时伤员的救治水平具有重要的意义[1,2]。近年来,各种止血材料的研究和应用为创伤外科止血提供了一种新方法[3,4]。笔者对明胶纤维网在出血创面的止血效果进行了临床观察,并与国内常[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 股骨头钻孔药物灌注治疗股骨头坏死 下一个医学论文: 脑损伤患者的康复结局与血清谷氨酸水平的相关性研究