股骨头钻孔药物灌注治疗股骨头坏死 |
郑和森 彭彦 王立全
【摘要】 目的 研究股骨头钻孔蝮蛇抗栓酶和丹参局部灌注对股骨头缺血坏死的治疗作用。方法 对38例41髋股骨头缺血性坏死(Ⅰ~Ⅳ期)患者采用股骨头钻孔减压,然后置管灌注蝮蛇抗栓酶和丹参,观察髋关节疼痛、功能恢复、活动度、股骨头修复情况。结果 疗效评价根据1995年全国首届骨坏死学术交流会拟定的100分标准。优15例17髋,良20例21髋,可2例2髋,差1例1髋。总优良率92%。结论 股骨头钻孔药物灌注治疗股骨头坏死具有手术难度小、创伤小、无副作用、疗效高的优点,是可供选择的一种治疗方法。 【关键词】 股骨头坏死;蝮蛇抗栓酶;丹参;灌注,局部 【中图分类号】 R681.8 【文献标识码】 B 【文章编号】 1008-0287(2000)02-0220-02
The core decompression through drilling hole and irrigating drugs into femoral head for the treatment of necrosis of femoral head
Zheng Hesen, Peng Yan, Wang Liquan (Dept of Orthopaedics, The Demobilized Soldier Hospital of Liaocheng City, Liaocheng,Shandong 252000)
【Abstract】 Objective To study the curative effect of the core decompression with drilling hole and irrigating drugs of snake antithrombotic enzyme and radix salviae miltiorrhiza into femoral head for the treatment of adult necrosis of femoral head.Methods The core decompression with drilling hole and irrigating drugs of snake antithrombotic enzyme and radix salviae miltiorrhiza into femoral head were used for 38 patients (41 hips) with avascular necrosis of femoral head stage Ⅰ~Ⅳ. The changes of pain, function, movement degree, and repaire of femoral head were observed. Results According to hundred-mark standards made by first necrosis academic exchange conference of China in 1995, the curative effects were evaluated, and it is found that 15 cases (17 hips), 20 cases (21 hips), 2 cases(2 hips) and l case(1 hip) obtainced excellent, good, general and poor results respectively. Conclusion The technique possesses remarkable effect, simple operative procedure, little operative trauma, and there are no bad effect and fast recovery. It is an alterative method. 【Key words】 femoral head necrosis; ahylysantinfarctase; salvia miltiorrhiza; perfusion, regional
1 材料与方法
1.[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 社区非手术治疗腰椎间盘突出症 下一个医学论文: 明胶纤维网止血效果的临床观察