单精子卵胞浆内穿刺术治疗男性不育症的探讨 附23例报告 |
黄学锋 郑菊芬 周颖 林金菊 赵军招 叶碧绿 李澄棣
摘要 目的:探讨单精子卵胞浆内穿刺术(ICSI)治疗严重精液异常和梗阻性无精子症所致不育的疗效。方法:对23例严重精液异常和梗阻性无精子症患者施行ICSI,女方行常规超促排卵以获取卵子并选择成熟的卵母细胞,同时采用手淫法、经皮附睾穿刺术(PESA)和睾丸精子获取术(TESE)以获得精液、附睾及睾丸精子行ICSI。结果:23例23个治疗周期共获卵332个,其中300个成熟卵母细胞进行了ICSI,193(64.3%)个卵子正常受精,形成180个胚胎,每个治疗周期移植胚胎2~4个(平均3.07个),8例获得临床妊娠,2例系双胞胎,总周期临床妊娠率为34.8%。其中11例11个治疗周期采用精液精子行ICSI,4例妊娠;12例12个治疗周期采用附睾精子或睾丸精子,4例妊娠。结论:ICSI可以有效地治疗严重的精液异常和梗阻性无精子症所致的不育症。 关键词 单精子卵胞浆内穿刺术 男性不育症 妊娠
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection for treatment of severe male infertility (Report of 23 cases)
HUANG Xue-feng ZHENG Ju-fen ZHOU Ying LIN Jin-ju ZHAO Jun-zhao YE Bi-lu LI Cheng-di (Reproduction Medicine Unit, Wenzhou Medical College 1st Affiliated Hospital, Wenzhou, Zhejiang,325000)
Abstract Purpose:To investigate the efficacy of ICSI treatment for severe male factor infertility. Methods: The female partners were routinely superovulated and had oocyte retrieval under transvaginal ultrasound. MII oocyte was selected to be microinjected with a single spermatozoon, which was prepared from semen, PESA and TESE samples respectively . Results: Among 332 oocytes retrieved, 300 MII oocytes were microinjected, 193 (64.3%) oocytes were normally fertilized, 180 fertilized oocytes cleaved to embryos. 2~4 (mean 3.07) embryos were replaced into uterus for each transfer. 8 clinical pregnancies (2 twin) were achieved, with a pregnant rate per cycle of 34.8%. 4 pregnancies resulted from 11 ICSI cycles with semen spermatozoa and 4 from 12 cycles with epididymal or testicular spermatozoa. Conclusions: ICSI is an effective method to treat severe male infertility. Key words Intracytoplasmic sperm injection Male infertility Pregnancy
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料 本组不育夫妇23对,女方年龄21~39岁,平均30.1岁;男方年龄[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 不育症亚临床型精索静脉曲张的诊断与治疗 下一个医学论文: 女性膀胱颈梗阻的诊断与治疗