经尿道接触式激光治疗前列腺增生216例报告 |
马全福 曾祥福 袁延年 陈文军 梁俊峰
摘要 目的:探讨接触式激光治疗前列腺增生症(BPH)的有效性。方法:1995年7月~1998年7月采用Nd∶YAG接触式激光治疗BPH 216例。激光输出功率50 W,治疗时间5~15 min。结果:随访3个月~3年,201例一次治疗成功,13例行2次激光治疗,2例改行开放性手术治愈。结论:激光手术虽然不能取代开放性手术,但其具有适应证宽、安全性高、易于掌握、患者痛苦小等优点,近期疗效肯定,易被老年患者接受。 关键词 接触式Nd∶YAG激光 前列腺增生症 经尿道前列腺切除术
Transurethral Nd:YAG laser prostatectomy (Report of 216 cases)
MA Quan-fu ZENG Xiang-fu YUAN Yan-nian (Department of Urology, the General Hospital of Chinese People′s Armed Police Forces, Beijing,100039) CHEN Wen-jun (Department of Urology,Hangzhou Hospital of Chinese People′s Armed Polices Forces) LIANG Jun-feng (Department of Urology,Qinghai Municipal Corps Hospital of Chinese People′s Armed Polices Forces)
Abstract Purpose: To evaluate the effects, indications and com plications of laser surgery for BPH. Methods: 216 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) have been treated by transurethral laser prostatectomy (TULP) since July 1995 to July 1998. Results: All cases were followed up for 3 months to 3 years. The effects were excellent in 201 cases (93%) by TULP one time, 13 cases improved by second TULP. 2 cases were conducted open operation because of bleeding. Conclusions: Transurethral Nd:YAG Laser Prostatectomy is considered as a therapeutic modality with the advantages of safe rapid recovery and less painful for patients, easy to operate, less bleeding. Key words Contact Nd∶YAG laser Benign prostatic hyperplasia Transurethral prostatectomy
经尿道激光前列腺切除术(Transurethral laser prostectomy,TULP)是80年代后期开展起来的一项新技术,至90年代已日趋完善〔1,2〕。我们于1995年7月~1998年7月应用接触式Nd∶YAG激光经尿道治疗前列腺增生症(BPH)216例,效果满意,现报告如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料 本组216例,年龄56~84岁,平均68岁。前列腺Ⅰ度增生58例,Ⅱ度增生62例,Ⅲ度增生96例。123例剩余尿量为50~450 ml,平均70 ml,其中有尿潴留史79例,经常间断留置导尿管者56例。96例并发不同程度的其他疾病,其中肺气肿9例,高血压29例,脑血栓恢复期6例,肾癌术后血小板减少性紫瘢1例,糖尿病12例,不同程度心功能异常25例,肾功能减退6例,膀胱结石8例。 1.2 治疗方法 采用中国电子工业部[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: Ho 下一个医学论文: 三种镍钛合金支架治疗高危前列腺梗阻患者的疗效观察 附116例报告