肩关节镜对肩部疾病的辅助诊断和治疗 |
薛庆云 黄公怡 张耀南 蔡恒江
摘要 目的: 对肩关节镜技术作为肩关节疾病的辅助诊断和治疗手段进行初步探讨。材料和方法: 总结近年作者开展肩关节镜25例,26个肩关节,16例同时行肩峰下滑囊镜检。其中冻结肩3例,肩袖撕裂6例,肩袖间隙撕裂2例,复发性肩关节脱位5例,肩关节后下方半脱位1例,肩峰撞击征(Ⅱ期)3例。肩关节类风湿性关节炎1例,肩盂或肱骨头粉碎骨折4例。镜下手术操作7例,其中镜下肩峰外侧端成形手术3例,复发性肩关节脱位和肩袖撕裂患者合并肩胛盂唇舌瓣样撕裂各1例行镜下切除,1例肩关节镜下滑膜切除,1例关节内游离骨片摘除术。 结果: 7例镜下手术,术后平均随访16个月,优4例,良2例,进步1例。 结论: 辅助性肩关节镜的优点在于可直接观察和处理肩肱关节和肩峰下关节内病变,明确诊断,指导手术方法选择,镜下手术创伤小,术后康复快。 关键词 肩关节 关节镜检查
Evaluation of Arthroscopy in Shoulder Surgery Xue Qingyun, Huang Gongyi,Zhang Yaonan, et al. Department of Orthopaedics Beijing Hospital, Beijing 100730 Abstract Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of the arthroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of the patient with shoulder disorders. Methods: Twenty-six shoulder arthroscopies were performed on 25 patients. Of those, 16 underwent examination of subcromial bursa through arthroscopy at the same setting. The diagnosis includes frozen shouder in 3 cases, rotator cuff tear in 6,recurrent dislocation of shoulder in 6, subacromial impingement syndrome in 3, Rotator interval separation in 2, Rheumatoid arthritis in 1 and shoulder fracture in 4 cases. One of them suffered from traumatic shoulder dislocation and with a loss of bony fragment inside glenohumeral joint. Seven patients accepted arthroscopic surgery, including acromioplasty in 3 cases, torn glenoid labrum resection in 2 cases, removed of bony fragment and synovectomy each in one case. Results: Seven patients who accepted arthroscopic surgery were followed up an average of 16 months post-operatively; excellent or good results were seen in 6 cases. Conclusion: Shoulder joint arthroscopy will benefit to make a definite diagnosis, get more information for planning the operative procedure. Key words Shoulder joint Arthroscopy
材 料 和 方 法
自1993年10月~1997年6月,本科共开展肩关节镜25例26个肩关节,其中男16例,女9例。年[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 关节镜诊断和治疗膝关节骨关节炎 下一个医学论文: 努力提高我国关节镜外科水平 评论