膝关节镜下钬激光半月板手术 |
王立德 张羽飞 齐志明 姜长明 张思同 汤欣 孙立众
摘要 作者在1994年7月~1996年12月6日行膝关节镜下钬激光半月板手术94例(97例次)。其中瓣状裂27例次,横裂10例次,桶柄裂16例次,纵裂14例次,不规则裂13例次,盘状半月板17例次。结果优良率94%。钬激光通过其光热作用,对损伤半月板汽化、切割、修整。作者应用大功率80瓦特钬激光,其传递系统优良,有各种角度,可以达到关节各个间隙,尤其狭窄半月板后角部分,再加上Moses现象,切割准确、速度快,对靶组织周围组织无副损伤。本组94例无1例术后滑膜反应积液者。认为钬激光为关节镜下切割半月板理想手术工具,打破了传统医用激光(CO2、Nd-YAG)在80年代10年间踏步不前状态。 关键词 关节镜检查 钬 激光 半月板
Ho:YAG (Holmiumi Yttrium-Aluminum-Garmet) Laser Operations Under the Arthroscope on Menisci of the Knee Wang Lide, Zhang Yufei, Qi Zhiming, et al. Department of Orthopeadics, The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116011 Abstract Ninety-seven meniscectomies in 94 patients were performed under the arthroscope by Ho: YAG laser.Of those, 27 menisci were flap tears, 10 were transverse tears, 16 were bucket-handle tears, 14 were longitudinal tears and 13 were irregular tears. The results showed that 94% of the patients had very satisfactory outcomes. Ho: YAG laser vaporizes, cuts and repairs torn menisci through its photo thermal effects. Its excellent delivery systems have a wide range angle and so can enter each articular space, especially the narrow posterior meniscal horn, These features along with “moses” phenomenon ensure the laser to cut precisely, quickly without causing injury to surrounding tissues. None of our 94 cases experienced synovitis or hydrarthrosis postoperatively. In our experience, Ho: YAG laser is the most effective tool in cutting menisci under the arthroscope. Key words Arthroscopy Holmium lasers Menisci
1994年7月~1996年12月6日止,于膝关节镜下行钬激光手术237例,以膝关节半月板损伤为主( 老年性膝关节骨关节炎半月板退化不含在内)94例(97例次),占同期手术39%, 其中盘状半月板损伤17例,占本组半月板损伤18%。作者体会, 膝关节镜下钬激光半月板手术有易掌握,速度快,损伤小,安全,恢复快等特点。
手 术 方 法
(一)设备与器械:应用Stryker,Aesculap 关节镜系列和Trimedyne钬激光系列(80瓦特大功率)。附有录像,立即成像系统。
(二)手术方法:(1)均采用连续硬膜外麻醉,个别腰麻。(2)行关节镜常规检查,确定半月板损伤侧别(内、外),部位,类型,有无软骨、韧带、滑膜合并伤。(3)确定不同类型半月板损伤的手术方法。 关节镜检确定半月板损伤情[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 关节镜计算机数字视频技术的研究与临床应用 下一个医学论文: 关节镜下治疗髁间嵴撕脱性骨折的临床研究