单次静注氯胺酮qEEG的 波特点分析 |
梁韶军 岳云 隋大凯 杨永慧
摘要 目的:通过对单次静注氯胺酮(Ket)的定量脑电图(qEEG)分析来进一步加深认识此药的麻醉性能,探求可以反映其麻醉深度的指标。方法:9例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级,年龄22~27岁,Ket 4mg/kg单次静脉注射,分术前、ket静注后第5分钟及第20分钟三个时段作qEEG监测并采集各项参数值,行前后自身对照。结果:①REL:可见术前各导联均以α波为主,θ波成份最小。但给药后5分钟却完全以θ波为主,至第20分钟仍以θ波为主。②δ比率:术前处于低比率状态,给药5分钟后比率显著上升(P<0.01),第20分钟时比率回落,其中F7、F8导联已与术前无显著差异。③θ比率:术前低,给药第5分钟时比率骤升,20分钟时回落不显著,维持时间长于δ比率。而用反θ比率则更能清楚地显示这一特征,术前的高比率在给药第5分钟时骤然崩解,第20分钟时略有上升趋势。结论:EEG持久高功率的θ波活动是单次静注Ket 4mg/kg麻醉的特征表现;δ比率的变化趋势能反映患者的临床初醒状态,而“θ比率”与“反θ比率”较δ比率能更实际地反映大脑意识变化情况。 关键词 氯胺酮 EEG
Analysis of The θ Power of qEEG Caused by a Bolus Intravenous Ketamine
Liang Shaojun,Yue Yun,Sui Dakai,et al Tangdu Hospital,Fourth Military Medical University 710038
Abstract Objective:To investigate whether qEEG can be a credible index to judge the depth of anaesthesia of ketamine(Ket).Methods:qEEG was recorded before and at 5min and 20min after iv injection of 4mg/kg of Ket in 9 adult female patients.Results:①REL:The α power was predominant on all leads before injection of Ket and the θ power was minimal,but at 5min after injection the θ power became completely dominant and lasted for more than 20min.②δ ratio:Before injectin of Ket δ ratio was little and at 5min after injection it was increased significantly (P<0.01).It began to decrease in 20min of injection,and even was the same as that before injection in F7、F8 leads.③θ ratio:θ ratio was low before injection and rose abruptly at 5min after injection and lasted at least for 20min.At the same time inverse θ ratio decreased abruptly.Conclusions:Durable high θ power is a character of a bolus Ket anaesthesia.The change of δ ratio can reflect the status of initial awakening from ket.θ ratio and reverse θ ratio reflect more accurately the status of anaesthesia of Ket than &de[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 咪唑安定和 或氯胺酮全麻诱导的临床效应观察 下一个医学论文: 定量脑电图监测全麻状态下意识的变化