重睑术中深部组织切除矫正内眦赘皮 |
王为农 李斌
[摘 要] 目的:探索矫正内眦赘皮手术简便有效的方法。 方法:对12例(24眼)单睑伴内眦赘皮的患者施行了在赘皮皱褶上做切口,切除赘皮下的肌肉组织,然后将切口缘缝接于深层组织的手术。 结果:术后随访3个月~12个月,医患双方对手术效果很满意者8例,基本满意2例,1例有1侧赘皮矫正不完全,另1例在术后1个月随访时,左眼内眦赘皮复发。 结论:本术式方法简单,适于矫正睑型或睑板型内眦赘皮。 [关键词] 内眦赘皮 矫正术 [中图分类号]R777.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2000)05-0375-02
WANG WEI-nong LI Bin (Depart Ophthalmology,Tangdu Hospital,Fourth Military Medical University Xian 710038)
[Abstract] Objective:To explore a new surgical technique for correction of epicanthus Methods:12 cases(24 eyes)with epicanthus and no upper lid furrow had undertaken operation.The operative procedure involves an incision on the epicanthal fold and removement of muscle beneath the fold while attaching the skin edges to deep tissues in an attampt to create a crease,which may extend into normal creases.All cases were followed up postoperatively for at least 3 months;six cases were followed up for more than 1 year. Results:On close follow-up,prognosis was judged by both the patient and surgon to be excellent in eight cases and fair in two.One case was corrected incompletely on one side.A recurrence of the epicanthal fold was seen on the left side of another patient on a follow up visit at l month postoperatively. Conclusion:this approach provides a simple and effective way to correct the epicanthus palpebralis or epicanthus tarsalis. [Key words] Epicanthus Correction
内眦赘皮(epicanthus)是遮盖内眦部的垂直半月皱褶[1],各种族儿童均可发生,但在东方人中则尤为常见。大部分人随着颅面部的发育成长,内眦赘皮趋于自然消失,而部分人则终生存在。有内眦赘皮者行重睑术中如不予以处理,术后内眦赘皮愈加明显达不到美学效果。 内眦赘皮的治疗术式较多,但效果和后遗症一直令人困扰。笔者采用Jordans 方法[2],对睑型和睑板型内眦赘皮者12例进行了治疗,方法简便,效果确切,报告如下。
1 临床资料 1990年~1998年共治疗要求行重睑术而伴内眦赘皮者12例24眼,其中男2例,女10例:年龄18岁~40岁。4例为睑型8例为睑板型。睑板型中有3例为先天性上睑下垂同时行提上睑肌缩短术。
2 手术方法 2.1 画出眼睑重睑皱褶线,并继续向内侧行进于内眦赘皮之嵴上。从而形成一条延伸至内眦部的重睑线。 2.2 采用局部浸润麻醉,将麻醉药直接注射于内眦切口皮下。 2.3 沿所画皱褶线做皮肤切口,将眼睑皱褶以上多余皮肤[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: Z成形矫正重度内眦赘皮的体会 下一个医学论文: 外鼻烧伤后缺损与瘢痕畸形的修复