【摘要】 目的 探讨液电碎石对胆囊壁的损伤程度及其安全性。方法 选择需要开腹行胆囊切除术的胆囊结石患者10例,在结扎胆囊管及保持其血运情况下,于充满生理盐水的胆囊内作平行及正对两组放电对胆囊壁的损伤试验,病理切片检测胆囊壁的损伤程度。结果 不同强度放电对胆囊壁损伤有显著差异,不同方向放电对胆囊壁损伤差异有统计学意义。结论 液电碎石对胆管壁有一定的损伤,但如果操作方式正确,液电碎石是一种有效的、安全的碎石方法。
【关键词】 胆囊;液电碎石;损伤;胆结石
An experimental study of gallbladder wall injury caused by electrohydraulic lithotripsyOU Yimeng, LUO Yongping, YU Jiongbiao, et al. Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong College of Pharmacy, Guangzhou 510080Abstract Objective To study the safety and degree of injury to gallbladder wall of electrohydraulic lithotripsy. Methods Ten patients with gallstone, who underwent open cholecystectomy, were included in this study. After ligation of cystic duct with maintenance of the blood supply, the walls received parallel or vertical discharges when the gallbladders were filled with saline, then the degree of injury of the walls was sliced and evaluated. Results Different degrees of gallbladder wall injury were observed with statistical significance in various intensities of discharge and in different discharging direction. Conclusion Electrohydraulic lithotripsy causes injury to gallbladder wall in a certain extent; however, it is still an effective and safe surgery if the man is correct.
Key words gallbladder; electrohydraulic lithotripsy; injury; cholelithiasis
应用液电碎石(elecctrohydraulic lithotripsy,EHL)有效处理胆道结石在临床上已有较多的报道[1-4],但同时也有液电碎石致胆管穿孔的个别报道[3,5]。故对液电碎石技术的安全性研究十分必要。基于这种思考,我们设计了人活体胆囊液电电击损伤试验,以检测其对胆囊壁的损伤程度,研究其使用的安全性。
1 资料和方法
1.1 仪器 ①液电碎石系统:Storz L7080B液电碎石系统。②液电碎石电极:4.5 Fr可弯曲金属导丝型电极。
1.2 研究病例 选择需开腹行胆囊切除术的胆囊结石患者10例(胆囊浆膜血管清晰,胆囊壁无增厚,壁厚≤3 mm)。
1.3 操作方法 对参加本研究的开腹胆囊切除术的胆囊结石患者,行开腹后结扎胆囊管,不切断,将胆囊从胆囊床游离,保留血运,于胆囊底做小切口,吸净胆汁,用生理盐水冲洗胆囊内至清亮。
将液电电极与液电碎石系统连接,把电极置入充满生理盐水的胆囊内,作两次胆囊壁损伤测试:①电极与胆囊壁紧靠正对放置,分别作1、2、3、4档级别单频放电,得出⑴、⑵、⑶、⑷ 4个电极点(每点间隔约1 cm)。②电极与胆囊壁紧靠平行放置分别作1、2、3、4 档级别单频放电;得出⑸、⑹、⑺、⑻ 4个电击点(每点间隔约1 cm),切除胆囊,将8个电击点胆囊壁分别切成1
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