Early changes of the hepatic renal and splenic function in hepatitis B liver cirrhosis patient after liver transplantation
YU Jianguang,LIU Junmao,YI Yongxiang,SHA Li
Department of Surgery,Nanjing Second Hospital (Nanjing 21003,China)
【ABSTRACT】Objective:To research the changes of the hepatic,renal and splenic function in hepatitis B liver cirrhosis patient after liver transplantation.Methods:Liver transplantation is performed for 11 cases suffered from hepatitis B liver cirrhosis,the hepatic,renal and splenic functions are observed,their changes are analysed.Results:Time of thrombin is lower significantly after operated 3 days than before operation and get to normal after operated 5 days;globin get to normal after operated 1 day and is lower significantly after operated 2days than before operated;Cr is higher significantly after operated 2 days than before operated and get to normal after operated 7 days;blood platelet is lower significantly after operated 3 days than before operated and higher significantly after operated 14 days than before operated,get to normal after operated 21 days.Conclusion:After liver transplantation,time of thrombin and globin get to normal,Cr rises up at the first and get to normal then,blood platelet decreases at the first and get to normal then.
【KEY WORDS】Liver transplantation?Hepatitis B?Liver cirrhosis?Globulins?Prothrombin?Albumins?Cholinesterases?Cholesterol Creatinine
1 资料和方法
1.1 临床资料男8例,女3例,年龄28~62岁,平均45.2岁。其中7例为终末期乙型肝炎肝硬化,4例为乙型肝炎肝硬化并发
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