【摘要】 目的:研究动眼神经海面窦段及面听神经桥脑小脑角段显微血管供应。方法:采用大体解剖法显露并观测了40侧动眼、面听神经动脉来源。结果:80%的脑膜垂体干及海面窦下动脉发出滋养动脉至动眼神经;面神经桥小脑角段主要由小脑下前动脉发出的迷路动脉、回返穿通动脉供应。结论:动眼、面听神经毗邻结构复杂,滋养血管细小,手术时应特别注意辨认和保护动眼和面听神经的显微血管。
【关键词】 动眼神经;面听神经;脑动脉;神经功能
The Study on the Relationship between the Microvascular Supply for the Oculomotor,
Auditory and Facial Nerves and the Reserve of the Nerve Function Post Operation
LIU Xipeng,YANG Xiaohong,LIU Chunjiang,et al
The Neurosurgery Department,The First Affiliated Hospital,
Hebei North University,Zhangjiakou,075000,Hebei,China
【ABSTRACT】 Objective: To study microvascular supply for the facial nerve in cerebellopontine angle(CPA)and oculomotor nerve in cavernous sinus. Methods: Facial nerve and oculmotor nerve of forty cases were dissected,and artery supplying facial nerve and oculmotor nerve were observed. Results: It was found that 80 percent of meningohypophyseal trunk and inferior cavernous artery had nourishing Artery enter oculmotor nerve; The facial nerves in cerebellopontine angle(CPA)were supplied by cerebellar inferior anterior artery(labyrinthine artery and recurre nt perforating artery). Conclusion: The facial nerve and oculomotor nerve Microvascular should be discerned and protected especially when operated in cerebellopontine angle(CPA)and in cavernous sinus because its neurovascular relationships are complicated and the nourishing vessels are tiny.
【KEY WORDS】 Oculomotor nerveand; Facial nerve;artery of brain; Nervefunction
1 资料和方法
选用固定后正常成人头颅标本 20 例(男15,女5)共40侧。小心解剖出一侧颈内动脉和颈外动脉,将颈外动脉结扎,在颈内动脉内插入塑料管并结扎,同时将另一侧颈内动脉与两侧椎动脉结扎,用注射器吸取明胶、红色水粉颜料、水的混合物。从已置塑料管中加压注入,开颅后逐步剔除脑组织直至大脑脚。打开环池,再从两侧后床突连线处离断动眼神经取下整个大脑脚及桥脑。在中脑下丘
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