【摘要】 目的:提供斜坡区入路相关的解剖学数据,以期提高岩斜区脑膜瘤的切除程度与术后疗效。方法:通过解剖80例成人颅骨标本,以斜坡为核心测量了相关结构的解剖关系。结果:斜坡区与脑桥、延髓腹侧及第Ⅴ~Ⅻ对脑神经关系密切,两侧毗邻破裂孔、颈内动脉、内耳门及颈静脉孔。测量了颞骨岩锥长度、内耳门前缘至鞍结节外缘距离、枕骨大孔的径线等数据。结论:了解斜坡区各结构的形态及相互间的位置关系,对于提高该区域手术的安全度和成功率具有重要意义。
【关键词】 颅骨;斜坡区;临床解剖
Surgical Anatomical Study on Clival Region
ZHANG Guohui, QI Xiaoyong , DONG Jianfeng,et al
Department of Anatomy, Heibei North University, Zhangjiakou,075000,china
【ABSTRACT】 Objective: By providing detailed and relative anatomical date for clival region approach , to raise the removal degree and improve the post operative result of the petroclival meningioma . Methods: Anatomic studies in 80 cases skull specimens were performed, and the Clival region on these specimens were observed and measured. Results:clival region had close relationships to pons, ventral medulla oblongata and the Ⅴ~Ⅻ to cranial nerves. In the two study of clival region, there were lalerate foramena and inner carotid artery、internal acorstic port and juglar vein foramena. Measurements were performed on average length of the ridge of the petrous pyramid, average distance from the anterior margin of the internal acoustic meatus to the lateral edge of the posterior clinoid process,the width and length of foramen magnum and so on. Conclusion: There is significance in clinical operations to know the shapes and location relationship of structures in clival region.
【KEY WORDS】 cranium;clival region; surgical anatomy
1 材料与方法
2 结果
斜坡由枕骨基底部和蝶骨体共同构成,向前上约呈45°角倾斜。斜坡上界为鞍背,下界为枕骨大孔前缘,其两侧毗邻破裂孔、岩枕裂、颈静脉孔舌下神经管内口等结构。枕骨大孔前缘至鞍背的距离为396±35mm(294~501mm),枕骨大孔前缘位于两乳突尖连线之前,两者相距126±28mm(76~158mm)。枕骨大孔前后径314±33mm (274~433mm),枕骨大孔左右径288±24mm(227~390mm),枕骨大孔前缘的厚度为38±04mm(17~55mm),舌下神经根穿经枕骨大孔侧壁的舌下神经管出颅,两侧舌下神经
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