【摘要】 目的观察弓上颅内外动脉狭窄患者血浆同型半胱氨酸(Homocysteine,Hcy)的水平,并探讨其与狭窄血管支数的关系。方法将2006年6月—2007年12月在我科住院行全脑血管造影的189例患者中资料完整的128例根据血管造影结果及头颅CT或MRI表现分为四组:脑梗死单支血管狭窄组,脑梗死多支血管狭窄组,脑梗死无血管狭窄组,非脑梗死非血管狭窄组(脑出血或蛛网膜下腔出血),测定各组血浆同型半胱氨酸的水平。结果Hcy水平:脑梗死多支血管狭窄组(35.14±14.99)>脑梗死单支血管狭窄组(22.90±8.02),脑梗死无血管狭窄组(16.64±4.39)>非脑梗死非血管狭窄组(11.69±6.35)。结论脑梗死多支血管狭窄组Hcy水平明显升高,提示Hcy水平与弓上颅内外血管狭窄密切相关,血管狭窄病变越严重,血浆Hcy水平越高。
【关键词】 弓上颅内外动脉狭窄 同型半胱氨酸 脑梗死
Investigation into Relation between Upraarch Extraor Intracranial Artery Stenosis and Homocysteine
Zhu Qingfeng, Wang Guofang, Wang Qian, Bian Shichun
Department of Neurosurgery, PLA No.264 Hospital, Taiyuan 030001, China
Abstract: ObjectiveTo analyze the relation between upraarch extraor intracranial artery stenosis and homocysteine.MethodsAmong 189 patients (between July 2006 and December 2007), 128 with findings of DSA and CT or MRI were divided into four groups (n=32/group), i.e. Group A (infarction with one artery stenosis), Group B (infarction with multiartery stenosis), Group C (infarction without artery stenosis), and Group D (noninfarction without artery stenosis). ResultsThe levels of plasma homocysteine were 35.14±1 4.99 in Group B, 22.90±8.02 in Group A, 16.64±4.39 in Group C, and 11.69±6.35 in Group D, respectively.ConclusionThe level of plasma homocysteine is higher in the group of infarction with multiartery stenosis than in any of the other groups. The clinical data indicate that hyperhomocysteine is associated with the number of upraarch extraor intracranial artery stenosis.
Key words: upraarch extracranial intracranial artery stenosis;homocysteine;cerbral infarction
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