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【摘要】 目的:研究垂体腺瘤(pituitary adenoma)中细胞粘附分子(CD44)的表达,探讨CD44对垂体腺瘤诊断及预后意义。方法:用免疫组化(SP)的方法检测20例侵袭性垂体腺瘤,18例非侵袭性垂体腺瘤,6例复发性垂体腺瘤中CD44s、CD44v5蛋白的表达。结果: 20例侵袭性垂体腺瘤中CD44s、CD44v5阳性率分别为75%、35%,18例非侵袭性垂体腺瘤中CD44s、CD44v5阳性率分别为27.8%、22.2%,6例复发性垂体腺瘤中CD44s、CD44v5阳性率分别为100%、66.7%。CD44s在侵袭性垂体腺瘤及复发性垂体腺瘤中的阳性表达率均明显高于非侵袭性垂体腺瘤,其差异具有显著性(P<0.01),CD44v5在侵袭性垂体腺瘤中和非侵袭性垂体腺瘤中的表达率均较低,无显著性差异(P>0.05),但在复发性垂体腺瘤中有较高表达率。结论:CD44s在侵袭性垂体腺瘤中呈高表达,与垂体腺瘤的侵袭性生长有关,在垂体腺瘤的侵袭性生长过程中起重要作用,有可能作为侵袭性垂体腺瘤的一个诊断指标。CD44v5在垂体腺瘤中的表达较低,与垂体腺瘤生长方式无关。复发性垂体腺瘤中CD44s、CD44v5的高表达表明其预后较差。

  【关键词】 垂体腺瘤

  Expression of CD44 in pituitary adenoma and its clinical significance DUAN Bo1, ZHAO Hong-yang2 , LI Xin-jian1, et al (1Department of Neurosurgery,Taihe Hospital, Yunyang Medical College, Shiyan, Hubei 442000, China; 2Department of Neurosurgery, Xiehe Hospital of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Whuhan, Hubei 430064, China)

  Absract:Objective To study the expression of CD44 in pituitary adenoma and investigate its diagnostic and prognostic significance of CD44 in pituitary adenoma.Methods Expression of CD44s and CD44v5 were detected in human surgically resected samples of pituitary adenoma(20 invasive、18 non-invasive and 6 recurrent pituitary adenoma), using S-P immunohistchemical staining method. Result The positive staining rates of CD44s and CD44v5 were 75%、35% respectively in 20 invasive pituitary adenomas.The positive staining rates of CD44s and CD44v5 were 27.8%、22.2% respectively in 18 non-invasive pituitary adenomas.The positive staining rates of CD44s and CD44v5 100%、66.7% in 6 recurrent pituitary adenoma respectively. The positive staining rate of CD44s are significantly higher in invasive and recurrent pituitary adenoma than in non-invasive pituitary adenoma(P<0.01).Low levels of CD44v5 expression were observed in both invasive and non-invasive pituitary tumor and there was no significant difference. Conclusion The results suggest that higher ex

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