自体髂骨移植联合BMP治疗四肢长骨干骨折不愈合 |
sp;followup ranged from 5 to 20 months in all patients.All patients′ wounds were primary healing.Fractures of 43 patients achieved osseous healing.No internal fixator or intramedullary pin was cinched or distorted.However,two patients felt painful when their elbow joints bended or extended excessively.One of the activity range was 0°~120°,the other′s was 0°~90°;One patient′s shoulder joint was limited in 0°~80°When abducted;and one patient felt algesic if his knee joint bended large than 60°.Conclusion The important risk factors for the nonunion of long bone fractures were the unstable fixation and too much bone lost.The key of improving in the rate of curing nonunion of long bone fracture were choosing the suitable internal fixtor,and strengthening the internal fixation.And transplanting sufficient bone and bone morphogenetic protein composite were also helpful.
Key words:long bone;nonunion of fracture;bone morphogenetic protein
四肢长骨骨折不愈合是骨折内固定术后常见的并发症,据统计,骨折后约有5%~10%发生骨折不愈合或延迟愈合[1]。引起骨折不愈合的因素多种多样,本文仅对2006年4月至2007年10月45 例患者骨折不愈合的常见原因加以分析,采用自体髂骨联合骨形态发生蛋白(bone morphogenetic protein,BMP)复合材料进行植骨治疗,效果较为满意,报告如下。
1 临床资料
1.1 一般资料 本组45 例,男33 例,女12上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 严重跖跗关节骨折脱位的治疗 下一个医学论文: 单侧经皮穿刺脊柱后凸椎体成形术的入路探讨