关节镜引导下胫骨平台骨折微创治疗 |
patients with tibial plateau fracture,24 cases were fixed with 2 leg screws,and only one for Schatzker Ⅲ with anatomic plate.No radiological signs of manifest osteoarthritis in all cases.According to Lysholm scale of knee joint,90.7 score for average and average range of motion for 115°.Conclusion Although arthroscope assisted is difficult to become the conventional management treating tibial plateau fracture,secondary injuries on patient obtained from operation is tiny which consistent with the conception of the minimal invasive.Furthermore,there are distinctive advantages in posteroperative rehabilitation,judgement of the injury and clinical outcome.Arthroscopic assisted management deserve the preferential recommendation among the suitable patients suffer from tibial plateau fracture.
Key words:arthroscope;tibial plateau;fracture;minimal invasive treatment
胫骨平台骨折作为一种关节内骨折,治疗不当易导致创伤性关节炎、关节不稳和关节僵硬等并发症。传统的切开复位钢板内固定治疗,存在手术创伤较大且难于处理关节腔内合并损伤等缺陷。2004年10月至2007年10月,我院应用关节镜对25 例胫骨平台骨折患者进行微创手术治疗,不仅使骨折解剖复位、关节面与下肢力线得以重建,而且同时对合并损伤进行有效处理,取得了良好的近期治疗效果。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 2004年10月至2007年10月间,应用关节镜治疗胫骨平台骨折25 例,男17 例,女8 例,平均年龄35.6 岁。按Schatzker分型,Ⅰ型(单纯外侧平台劈裂骨折)7 例,Ⅱ型(外侧平台劈裂压缩骨折)8 例,Ⅲ型(单纯外侧平台压缩骨折)8 例,Ⅳ型(内髁骨折)2 例。
1.2 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 手术与非手术治疗Mason 型桡骨小头骨折疗效分析 下一个医学论文: 手术治疗髋臼合并同侧股骨干骨折的临床研究