AOSF技术治疗 型和浅 型齿状突骨折疗效分析 |
【摘要】 目的 探讨前路齿状突螺钉内固定技术治疗Ⅱ型和浅Ⅲ型齿状突骨折安全性和临床疗效。方法 应用前路齿状突螺钉内固定技术治疗齿状突骨折32 例,男23 例,女9 例。年龄19~78 岁,平均(52.6±3.2) 岁。按AndersonD′Alonzo分型,Ⅱ型20 例,浅Ⅲ型12 例。均采用1枚空心加压螺钉固定。通过上颈椎正侧位及张口位X线片和CT进行评价。结果 32 例均获得随访,随访时间6~28月,平均18个月。除2 例Ⅱ型骨折未愈合外,其余平均愈合时间6个月。无螺钉断裂、移位及神经损伤等并发症。临床症状完全消失26 例,3 例遗留颈部僵硬感,但临床检查无活动受限,2 例合并颅脑损伤者残留部分头痛、头晕。结论 前路齿状突螺钉内固定技术是治疗Ⅱ型和浅Ⅲ型齿状突骨折有效和安全的方法,能最大限度地保留寰枢椎的生理活动功能。
【关键词】 齿状突骨折;上颈椎;螺钉;枢椎;固定
The Analysis of Curative Effect of Anterior Odontoid Screw Fixation for Treating Type Ⅱ and Shallow Type Ⅲ Odontoid Fractures
HU Yong,XU Rongming,MA Weihu,et al
(Department of Orthopaedics,Ningbo NO.6 Hospital,Zhejiang 315040,China)
Abstract:Objective To investigate clinical effect and safety of anterior odontoid screw fixation(AOSF) for treating type Ⅱ and shallow type Ⅲ odontoid fractures.Methods 32 cases of type Ⅱ (20 cases) and shallow type Ⅲ (12 cases) odontoid fractures were treated by anterior odontoid screw fixation.Male 23 cases,female 9 cases,mean age (52.6±3.2) years,range:from 19 to 78 years.All cases use singlescrew fixation.Imaging studies were used to analyze the surgeryrelated results in these patients.Results All patients were followedup for an average of 18 months&[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 切开与闭合复位治疗股骨颈骨折的疗效比较 下一个医学论文: 同种异体腱移植重建膝关节交叉韧带的研究