切开与闭合复位治疗股骨颈骨折的疗效比较 |
p;cases with a necrosis rate of 11.4%.Of 42 cases with closed reduction plus cannulated screw,3 cases resulted in nonunion with union rate of 92.9%,5 cases suffered from femoral head necrosis with necrosis rate of 11.9%.Of 28 cases with open reduction plus cannulated screw,2 cases resulted in nonunion with union rate of 92.9%,3 cases suffered from femoral head necrosis with necrosis rate of 10.7%.Conclusion The femoral head necrosis and the nonunion of femoral neck fractures relate to fracture type and trement methods.The better reduction plus cannulated screw fixation can obtain better clinical results.Open reduction plus cannulated screw fixation do not add the nonunion rate and femoral head necrosis rate.
Key words:femoral neck fractues;internal fixation;open;closed;fixation;cannulated screw
股骨颈骨折是临床常见病,好发于老年人,有较高的骨折不愈合率及股骨头坏死率,临床上对股骨颈骨折的治疗方法的选择仍存在分歧[1]。尽管目前对于老年患者的GardenⅢ、Ⅳ型股骨颈骨折多采用关节置换术,但因存在创伤大、多需翻修、花费较高等问题,很多学者仍主张尽可能的行复位内固定手术[2~3]。然而对于是采用切开还是闭合复位的手术方式至今争论不休。笔者对2002年7月至2006年1月收治的72 例股骨颈骨折患者进行分析,现报告如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 本组70 例,男42 例,女38 例;年龄20~68 岁,平均54.4 岁。其中20~30 岁18 例,31~48 岁29 例,49~68 岁23 例。致伤原因:车祸伤38 例,跌伤26 例,其他6 例。伤后至就诊时间:1周内54 例,1~3周16 例。左侧32 例,右侧38&nb上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 外伤后脑脂肪栓塞 下一个医学论文: AOSF技术治疗 型和浅 型齿状突骨折疗效分析