人工全髋关节置换对血液流变学影响的研究 |
p;plasma viscosity haven′t obvious change in 1 day after operation compared with them in 1 day before operation,but elevates gradually and reaches the peak in 7 days after operation,the difference has statistics significance(P<0.05).The data falls to the close them of before operation.In 1,4,7 days after operation,whole blood reduced viscosity increase obviously(P<0.05).On 1 day after operation the red blood cell deformation index reduce obviously(P<0.05),the rigid index elevate obviously(P<0.05).They are nearly normal on 4 d after operation.Ther red blood cell accumulation index,the fibrinogen elevate obviously on 1,4,7 days(P<0.05),and fall to close to them of preoperation on 14 days after operation.Conclusion After total hip replacement the blood is in hyperviscous condition.Hyperviscous condition reaches the peak a week after operation and restore gradually two weeks after operation.In early postoperation red blood cell rheological property get bed obviously,which may be one reason of deep vein thrombosis after total hip replacement.
Key words:blood rheology,total hip replacement
近十年来,血液流变学在医学研究中受到广泛重视,许多疾病如冠心病、高血压、中风、肿瘤的血液流变学改变已有较多研究,且认为血液流变学变化与这些疾病血栓形成有关[1上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 颈前路减压Slim Loc钢板内固定治疗脊髓型颈椎病 下一个医学论文: 桡神经移位钢板内固定治疗肱骨中下段骨折