摘要 目的:观察新型可吸收性骨夹板的骨内固定效果。方法:采用自身对照研究方法,用超高分子量生物降解材料聚D,L乳酸制作小夹板、螺钉内固定装置,对10只狗进行颧弓骨折内固定,并与金属钛小夹板、螺钉内固定相比较。结果:对颧弓凹陷性骨折,分子量高达60万kD以上的超高分子量聚D,L乳酸小夹板螺钉的机械性能足够维持骨段的稳定性并支撑其愈合。结论:聚D,L乳酸小夹板、螺钉同金属钛小夹板、螺钉内固定一样,对颧弓骨折具有良好的骨内固定效果,对骨折愈合过程无任何不良影响,其显著优点是无需二次手术取出。 Internal Fixation for Zygomatic Arch Fracture with
Super-high Molecular Weight
Poly D, L-lactic Acid Mini-plates and Screws: A Study in Dogs
Wei Shicheng, Zheng Qian, Liu Lei, et al
College of Stomatology, West China University of Medical Sciences
Zhao Zongling
Department of Stomatology, Chengdu Military Hospital
Xiong Chengdong, Deng Xianmo, Luo Fucheng, et al
Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract Objective:To investigate the internal fixation effects of super high molecular weight(Mv=6.0×105 kD) poly D, L-lactic acid(PDLLA) mini-plates and screws. Methods: 10 dogs were utilized in this experiment with the self-contrast study method, comparing with the titanium mini-plates and screws.Results: The mechanical properties of the PDLLA mini-plates and screws appeared to be sufficient to enable undisturbed healing of depressed zygomatic arch fracture.Conclusion: The good fixation effect of PDLLA mini-plates and screws was as same as that of the titanium mini-plates and screws without the need of secondary operation.
Key words: poly D,L-lactic acid internal fixation biodegradable materials
利用生物降解材料聚乳酸(poly lactic acid,PLA)制作的夹板或(和)螺钉等骨内固定装置施行骨内固定已有较多的动物实验及临床应用研究报道[1,2]。尤其是以结晶型聚L乳酸(poly L-lactic acid,PLLA)制作的夹板、螺钉等内固定装置,以其良好的生物相容性和机械性能,在颅颌面畸形矫治、颌骨损伤治疗中取得良好的骨内固定效果[2,3]。但由于其体内降解时间较长,可能引起异物反应,临床应用受到一定限制[4]。本文报道作者在利用非结晶型聚D,L乳酸(poly D,L-lactic acid,PDLLA)制作小夹板行颌面部骨折内固定初步实验的基础上[5],采用自身对照研究方法,观察用超高分子量PDLLA制作小夹板、螺钉行颧弓骨折内固定的效果。
1 材料和方法
1.1 材料
PDLLA夹板、螺钉,PDLLA材料由中国科学院成都分院有机化学研究所合成,平均分子量6.0×105 kD,为多孔非结晶型,抗弯强度120 MPa。用压模法在高温160℃下利用不锈钢模制作成的PDLLA
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