广东省四城市青少年伤害发生现况及其社会经济损失 |
ic injuries and burn / scalds, etc, which usually occurred due to carelessness in sports, playing, walking, bike-riding and working. Frequency of multiple injuries related to the educational level of parents and depended on whether or not an only-child in family. There were 2 173 injured pupils (accounting for 31.3% of the total)visited clinics or emergency department in hospitals and 627 (9.0%)hospitalized for treatment. Twenty-eight percent of the injured pupils were absent from school, with an average absenteeism of 5.6 days. There were 154 injured pupils with transient disability and 53 with permanent disability, with a disability rate of 410.47 per 100 000. Cost for their medical care averaged 81.5 yuan RMB per injured pupil. Conclusions Injury was a common and frequently-happened incident among children and young adults and could seriously affect their health, development and growth, studying and their future of children and young adults. Health education, safety-promotion and removing hidden danger for injury are the major measures to prevent from injury, and the government and the whole society should pay great attention to injury issues in children and young adults. 【Key words】 Wounds and injuries;Adolescence;Incidence;Injury prevention
无论发达国家或发展中国家,伤害是34岁以下人群的首位死因,是一个重要的公共卫生问题[1,2]。然而由于缺乏伤害的界定标准,而且很难获得发生率的详细统计学资料,伤害的危害和损失被大大低估了。为阐明青少年的伤害发生率,评价其社会经济损失,并且提供伤害的判断标准,特作本次研究。 对象与方法
1.样本来源:采用分层整群抽样方法,1998~1999年在广州、茂名、江门和汕头4城市调查19所中小学校15 004名7~18岁青少年,收回有效表格14 533份,应答率为96.9%。 2.调查内容;参照国际疾病分类中伤害外因分类(《ICD-9》E编码)[3],并根据伤害性质将伤害分为跌伤、交通伤、烧烫伤、锐器伤、碰撞伤、击伤、中毒、溺水、触电、爆炸伤、骨头卡喉、叮咬伤12种。 3.纳入标准:有下列3种情形之一者纳入伤害统计[4]:①到医院或校医室诊治,②因伤休息0.5 d以上,③由家长或老师做紧急处置。 4.调查方法:专职人员在老师协助下指导学生(中学生),或在家长帮助下(小学生)按调查表格内容逐一回忆并填写1年中的伤害情况:时间、地点、原因、伤情、治疗与转归。
1.发生率:1年中发生1次以上伤害的青少年6 941人,发生率为47.76%,男生为50.08%(3 945/7 878),女生为45.02%(2 996/6 655),χ2=36.982,P=0.000 5。发生率随年龄增长而升高(表1)。小学生发生率为40.08%(3 396/8 472),中学生为58.上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 麻城市1969~1998年儿童伤害死亡趋势和死因分析 下一个医学论文: 中国儿童营养研究的进展