广东省四城市青少年伤害发生现况及其社会经济损失 |
王声湧 郭畅 张贵云 卢关平 李丽萍 林汉生 范存欣 黄革 周春洪 卢玉海
【摘要】 目的 阐明青少年伤害的发生现况和常见伤害类型的原因,评价其社会经济损失及危害程度。方法 1998~1999年在广州、茂名、江门、汕头等市采用分层整群抽样方法,调查19所学校14 533名7~18岁的中小学生1年中发生伤害的情况,伤害的判断标准是:①到医院或校医室诊治,②因伤休息0.5 d以上,③由家长或老师做紧急处理。结果 1年内发生伤害6 941人,发生率为47.76%(男生50.08%、女生45.02%),中学生高于小学生(58.49%和40.08%),发生率随年龄升高的趋势十分明显,13~15岁为高发年龄段;主要伤害类型为跌伤、锐器伤、碰撞伤、交通伤和烧烫伤,常发生在运动、玩耍、走路、骑自行车和劳动时疏忽大意;多发性伤害与父母的文化程度和是否是独生子女有关;受伤后就医者2 173人(占31.3%),住院者627人(占9.0%),28%的学生伤后缺课,平均每例伤害学生缺课5.6 d,医疗费用81.5元;2.46%的学生伤后暂时性失能,0.81%的学生致残,残疾率为410.47/10万。结论 伤害在青少年中常见、多发,严重影响青少年的健康、发育、学习和未来。预防的主导措施是消除隐患、健康教育和安全促进,控制策略在于政府和全社会都应关注青少年免遭伤害。 【关键词】 创伤和伤害; 青少年; 发生率; 伤害预防
A study on incidence of injury and its socio-economic loss in children and young adults
WANG Shengyong*, GUO Chang, ZHANG Guiyun (Department of Epidemiology, Medical College of Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632,China)
【Abstract】 Objectives To study the current status of incidence of injury among children and young adults and the causes of common injuries, and to estimate its socio-economic loss and extent of harmfulness. Methods Pupils in 19 primary and middle schools aged 7 to 18 years, totaling 14 533, were recruited with stratified cluster sampling during 1998 to 1999 in Guangzhou, Maoming, Jiangmen and Shantou. Judgement for injury was based on the following criteria: ①diagnosed and treated in hospitals or school clinics, ②a half-day off or more due to injury, and③emergency management by pupils′ parents or teachers. Results There were 6 941 pupils suffered from varied injures during the year, with an incidence rate of 47.76%(50.08% for boys and 45.02% for girls). Incidence rate of injury was higher in the middle school pupils (13-18 years old, 58.49%) than that in the primary school pupils (7-12 years old, 40.08%). The incidence increased significantly with age, with a peak at ages of 13-15. Major causes of injuries resulted from falls, injury by sharp articles, collision, traff[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 麻城市1969~1998年儿童伤害死亡趋势和死因分析 下一个医学论文: 中国儿童营养研究的进展