麻城市1969~1998年儿童伤害死亡趋势和死因分析 |
刘筱娴 吴开林 司达敏 李激 贾桂珍
【摘要】 目的 描述湖北省麻城市1969~1998年0~14岁儿童伤害死亡率、伤害死亡占总死亡比例的时间趋势变化,确定儿童伤害的死因分布特点。方法 数据来源于麻城市1969~1998年死亡报告系统,儿童伤害死亡累计有14 510例,伤害死亡率、伤害死亡占总死亡比例的时间变化趋势分别用对数线形回归模型和简单线形回归模型进行拟合;比较1984~1998年各种伤害死亡原因在不同年龄段、不同性别儿童间的差异。结果 30年来麻城市婴儿伤害死亡率及伤害死亡占总死亡比例呈同向下降趋势,1~14岁儿童伤害死亡率呈下降趋势,但伤害死亡占总死亡比例反而上升。1984~1998年0~14岁儿童平均伤害死亡率为81.36/10万,潜在寿命损失率为57.92‰,男童伤害死亡率高于女童。婴儿伤害死亡率为560.15/10万,机械窒息是主要伤害死因;1~4岁儿童伤害死亡率为95.48/10万;伤害死亡的儿童中0~4岁儿童占73.2%,溺死是1~14岁各年龄段儿童主要伤害死因。结论 5岁以下儿童是伤害死亡的重点人群,应采取干预对策控制农村儿童伤害死亡。 【关键词】 儿童; 创伤和伤害; 死亡率; 死亡原因; 潜在寿命损失年数
Trend and causes of injury deaths among children in Macheng city of Hubei province during 1969 through 1998
LIU Xiaoxian*, WU Kailin, SI Damin (Department of Maternal and Child Health, School of Public Health, Tongji Medical University, Wuhan 430030,China)
【Abstract】 Objectives To describe time trend of mortality and proportional mortality of injury and to determine the characteristics of distribution of injury deaths in children aged 0-14 in Macheng city during 1969 to 1998. Methods Data were collected from Notification System for Deaths of Macheng City during 1969 to 1998. Injury claimed 14 510 deaths caused by injury in children in total during these years. Changes in mortality and proportional mortality for injury were fitted with log-linear and simple linear regression models to compare their difference in children with different gender and ages. Results Both injury mortality and proportional mortality in infants declined during the past 30 years, and injury mortality dropped but proportional mortality due to injury increased gradually in children aged 1-14 years old. From 1984 to 1998, the average injury mortality was 81.36 per 100 000 children of 0-14 of age, with a potential years of life lost rate was 57.92 per 1 000 children. Boys had higher injury mortality than girls. Injury mortality in infants reached 560.15 per 100 000, and mechanical suffocation w[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 石家庄市居民伤害现况研究 下一个医学论文: 广东省四城市青少年伤害发生现况及其社会经济损失