石家庄市居民伤害现况研究 |
阎纯锴 董会敏 许英路 张世勇 王颖 朱伟力 姚书江 杨增生 曹进怀 梁秀联
【摘要】 目的 了解石家庄市居民伤害现状,为伤害的预防提供依据。方法 采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法,对城市2个居委会和农村6个自然村居民21 544人的伤害情况进行回顾性调查。结果 伤害标准化发生率为4.21%,农村高于城市,男性高于女性。位居伤害前3位的依次是:交通伤、跌伤、中毒。城市以交通伤居首位,农村以中毒居首位。14岁以下和60岁以上年龄组以跌伤为主,15~34岁组煤气中毒、交通伤较多,35~59岁组交通伤占首位。伤害标准化死亡率48.78/10万,农村高于城市。自杀死亡率最高,为23.21/10万, 交通伤次之。平均每例伤害死亡潜在寿命损失年数22年,潜在工作损失年数17年,潜在价值损失年数9年。伤害致残率1.1%。平均每例伤害直接经济损失679.98元。结论 伤害已成为危害人民健康的重要公共卫生问题。 【关键词】 创伤和伤害;发生率;死亡率;潜在寿命损失年数
A cross-sectional study on injuries in the residents of Shijiazhuang city
YAN Chunkai,DONG Huimin,XU Yinglu (Sanitation and Anti-epidemic Station of Shijiazhuang City, Shijiazhuang 050011, China)
【Abstract】 Objective To comprehend current status of injury in the residents of Shijiazhuang city and to lay a foundation for prevention from injury. Methods A retrospective study on injury in the 21 544 residents of two and six rural villages was conducted by multi-stage stratified sampling. Results Standardized incidence rate of injury was 4.21% in Shijiazhuang city, higher in the rural than in the urban areas and higher in men than in women. The top three causes of injuries were traffic accidents, falls and poisoning. Traffic accidents and poisoning ranked the first place in the urban areas and in the rural areas, respectively. Falls occurred mostly in those aged less than 14 years and more than 60 years. Gas poisoning and traffic accidents occurred more often in those aged 15-34 years and traffic accidents ranked the first in the age group of 35-59 years old. Standardized mortality rate of injury was 48.78 per 100 000,higher in the rural than in the urban areas. Standardized mortality rate of suicide was the highest with 23.21 per 100 000 in the countryside and that of traffic accidents ranked the next. In average, 22 years of potential life lost, 17 work years of potential life lost and nine valued years of potential life lost for each death were caused by injury. D[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 江门市中小学生伤害干预措施的综合评价 下一个医学论文: 麻城市1969~1998年儿童伤害死亡趋势和死因分析