江门市中小学生伤害干预措施的综合评价 |
卢关平 周春洪 吴霭玲 周煜民 吴安国
【摘要】 目的 探讨建立预防和控制中小学生伤害发生的措施和对措施效果进行评价。 方法 采取干预前后对比和无干预对照的方式进行评价。干预组为1998年开展伤害调查的原9所中小学校3 896名学生,实施以健康教育为主的综合干预措施;对照组为同期进行伤害调查的4所无干预措施的小学651名学生。1年后2组均重复进行伤害调查,观察干预措施对伤害发生的影响并对其应用价值进行评价。结果 干预组伤害发生率由50.55%降至11.78%,下降76.70%,重度伤害的比重由7.84%降至0.65%,多发性伤害发生率由19.16%降至3.15%,下降83.56%;对照组伤害发生率由52.67%降至49.00%,下降6.97%。干预组与对照组伤害下降率的比值为11.02,费用∶效益=1∶13.9。结论 以健康促进为主的干预措施投入少、效益大,能有效预防和控制学生伤害的发生。 【关键词】 创伤和伤害; 伤害预防; 综合分析; 学生
A comprehensive evaluation on intervention measures for injuries in primary and middle school students
LU Guanping, ZHOU Chunhong, WU Ailing (Epidemiology Section, Jiangmen Sanitary and Anti-epidemic Station, Jiangmen, Guangdong 529050,China)
【Abstract】 Objective To explore the intervention measures for prevention and control of injuries and evaluation for their effectiveness in students of middle and primary schools. Methods Effectiveness of intervention was evaluated by comparison of incidence of injury before and after intervention in 3 896 students of nine middle and primary schools and comparison with a non-intervention group in 651 students of four primary schools in Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province during January to December, 1999. Results Incidence of injury dropped to 11.78% after intervention from 50.55% before intervention in the intervention group, with 76.70% of reduction. Proportion of severe injury dropped to 0.65% after intervention from 7.84% before intervention. Incidence of multiple injuries dropped to 3.15% from 19.16%, with 83.56% of reduction. But, in the control group, incidence of injury dropped to 49.00% from 52.67%, with 6.97% of reduction only, with a ratio of reduction of intervention to control of 11.02% and a ratio of cost to benefit of 1∶13.9. Conclusion Intervention measures focusing on health promotion can prevent and control the occurrence of injury in students of middle and primary schools cost-effectively. 【Key words】 [1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 中国中小学生皮褶厚度与体成分研究 下一个医学论文: 石家庄市居民伤害现况研究