中国中小学生皮褶厚度与体成分研究 |
fat in boys increased from 14.0% in aged 7 to the relatively higher levels (16.1%-17.6%) during aged 10-14, and then decreased significantly to about 13% in the 15-18 age groups. The percentage of fat in girls significantly increased from 19.6% in aged 7 to 23.0% in aged 12, and reached 25.6% in aged 18. The percentage of fat of the girls was significantly higher than that of the boys in all age groups. The lean body mass, both of the boys and girls, gradually increased from age 7 to age 18, but the absolute increments of boys were 12.1% higher in aged 7, 16.8% higher in aged 14, and 34% higher in aged 18 than that of girls, Significant differences of skinfold thickness were found not only among different areas and socioeconomic groups, but also between urban and rural populations . The percentile norms of the sum of skinfold thickness were set up, both for boys and girls, respectively. It was found that the P50 of the norms were evidently lower than that of the Japanese, which showed the generally low level of Chinese students′ skinfolds. But the differences of skinfolds between Chinese and Japanses in the high percentiles, such as the P90, P95 and P97, were small, which suggested the subcutaneous body fat of many Chinese adolescents had already reached a quite high level. Conclusions It will be a big challenge to prevent obesity among Chinese students in the near future. The percentile norms set up in this study cover various age and sex groups of Chinese students. These norms will be useful for further screening obesity in Chinese students. 【Key words】 Skinfold thickness; Body composition; Puberty; Students
依据皮褶厚度测量值估测体成分,是简便易行的评价营养状况、筛查肥胖和营养不良的方法[1]。国内对青少儿皮褶厚度测定缺乏跨地区比较,也没有具有代表性的参照值[2,3]。为此,本研究利用1995年全国学生体质健康调研资料,探讨中小学生青春期的皮褶厚度及体成分的发育规律、不同群体间在皮褶厚度测量值上存在的差异,建立7~18岁中小学生皮褶厚度参照值。 对象与方法
1.对象:样本来自北京、河北、山西、黑龙江、上海、江西、福建、山东、河南、四川、云南、陕西、甘肃等13省市,各有城市男、女生和乡村男、女生4个群体,分别随机均等抽样本省内社会经济状况居上、中、下水平群体的7~18岁汉族中小学生,每岁262~315人。体检剔除残疾和重要脏器上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 氟对骨形态发生蛋白的直接作用 下一个医学论文: 江门市中小学生伤害干预措施的综合评价